XC rosters???


'Nova Nation Sensation
Nov 29, 2007
Will the rosters be posted ...
a. before the first meet
b. before the end of September
c. sometime in October
d. shortly before the NCAA's

I have been wondering the same thing. Would you have the
url of the university site which gives which gives the rundown
of most teams' schedules, rosters, etc.
sebastianc posted on 9/3/2014...

Excattyguy, I believe Marcus' MBA is in accounting - not marketing ...

sebastianc, I agree. It's a shame he has to compete with all those other Division I coaches who all have degrees in marketing. Also, I assume that Nova has let go all the sports information people, certainly a tragedy.

Whitecat, I don't know of any site that can link all the XC rosters. Just google the edu address of whatever school, select athletics, and then select the proper team. Most schools you are interested in will have roster up by now. Many had them up this summer.