Charlie Sifford Remembered


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Dec 5, 2013
Would probably miss if I knew him.

Couldn't get his card until 1961.

That's racist.

Long interview with Gary Player on the Golf Channel (sports with no NFL coverage). Half-listening. Seems Gary said it was appalling that racist America wouldn't give Sifford his card before then. Gary said they were basically the same, because Gary wasn't allowed to play on few tours, Japan etc, because of the apartheid.

Gary also said US has best facilities and the most resources, but keeps getting it's ass kicked in Ryder Cup and tennis (?) because we don't give a damn.

Maybe it would've made more sense if I was paying better attention?

Edit: Does this happen to all old people?
Originally posted by spg109876ers:

Would probably miss if I knew him.

Couldn't get his card until 1961.

That's racist.

Long interview with Gary Player on the Golf Channel (sports with no NFL coverage). Half-listening. Seems Gary said it was appalling that racist America wouldn't give Sifford his card before then. Gary said they were basically the same, because Gary wasn't allowed to play on few tours, Japan etc, because of the apartheid.

Gary also said US has best facilities and the most resources, but keeps getting it's ass kicked in Ryder Cup and tennis (?) because we don't give a damn.

Maybe it would've made more sense if I was paying better attention?

Edit: Does this happen to all old people?
So Gary basically said nothing we didn't already know?
Originally posted by LizReed:

So Gary basically said nothing we didn't already know?
Well…if I even understood the half of it…seemed like he more-or-less equated the fact that he couldn't play on the Japanese Tour because of South African Apartheid with a black guy not being able to play on the US Tour because he was black.

Even as a 4.6er, to use some golf parlance…that is a game with which I am not familiar.

Gary is pretty classy, and loves America, so I probably heard wrong (even though he kind of handed it to America in the same interview).
I was referring to the "not give a damn" excuse for everything wrong with US golf.

But yeah, equating his struggle for playing rights on the Japan Tour with the struggle of black America in the mid 20th century is an new one.