Colin Cowherd Remembered...

good. i like to see these espn departures. good for the overall sports broadcasting picture

hope russillo bolts too, on the radio front
Cowherd is the type of guy that defines everything that I dislike about ESPN these days.

really? i would say cowherd is one of the less espn"y" guys on their payroll - he actually seems to have some original thoughts, and not afraid of being a bit of a contrarian. mike and mike define all things ESPN to me. surface level, lazy, patronizing

i like him, so i often listen to him
cowherd's radio show has always been pretty good, though you have to be off your rocker to do a talk show by yourself.
Skip Bayless isn't going anywhere. His contrarian bullshit is imperative to drive ratings.
ESPN is already seeing the consequences for how much they overpaid for college football. Their rights fees are offensive and the market is starting to push back.
Cowherd suspended for the rest of his espn days... there is more to this on air quote, but this is certainly the worst part of it.

A bold position to take to say the least

Cowherd: “It’s too complex? I’ve never bought into that ‘baseball is too complex.’ Really? A third of the sport is from the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic has not been known in my lifetime as having world class academic abilities.
I heard it live and the context wasn't nearly as bad as it sounds. Sure he could have made his point better but to yank him off the air is ridiculous. PC has run amok. The guy has been doing this for how many years and makes a clumsy comment and gets yanked. Sorry, but the pendulum has swung too far. I'm not supporting his comments but if you listened to the segment no way he should get yanked. Issue the mea culpa and acknowledge it would have been said more elegantly but let's move along. The only people you are allowed to say anything about are Italians and Republicans.
adp98, ESPN was already getting rid of him and took the opportunity to make him look as bad as possible with what were not good remarks but not termination worthy remarks. It was less about PC and more about ESPN being a petulant b*tch. I noticed they were still running the ticker line on it last night -- ESPN taking the high road.
I listened to the whole rant. It just gets dumber. How is that not as bad as it sounds? It's also simply untrue.

The guy sucks anyway. He is contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. His hot takes are terrible. Like his whole doubling down on his dumb john wall theory or how about his Kevin Durant take? That KD could never be a good nba player because of his bench press and that Gregg Oden was leaps and bounds the better athlete and likely super star. And he's got a delivery style more annoying than Jim Rome
adp98, ESPN was already getting rid of him and took the opportunity to make him look as bad as possible with what were not good remarks but not termination worthy remarks. It was less about PC and more about ESPN being a petulant b*tch. I noticed they were still running the ticker line on it last night -- ESPN taking the high road.

Agree. ESPN using PC to do was a better way to say it. You've captured my thoughts and said better.
I listened to the whole rant. It just gets dumber. How is that not as bad as it sounds? It's also simply untrue.

The guy sucks anyway. He is contrarian for the sake of being contrarian. His hot takes are terrible. Like his whole doubling down on his dumb john wall theory or how about his Kevin Durant take? That KD could never be a good nba player because of his bench press and that Gregg Oden was leaps and bounds the better athlete and likely super star. And he's got a delivery style more annoying than Jim Rome
Was it really untrue? The DR is not known to be a well educated country. You can hate him for other stuff but the point is what he said was not worthy of being pulled from the air. That was my point. Here is the new problem for ESPN: they now set a standard for which people can be pulled down from talk radio. No one can say anything. Simmons gets pulled basically for his continued assault on the NFL, Coward here, who's next? ESPN sucks.
The whole theory was dumb. When you try to justify your stupid hot take you eventually say something stupid. Like with KD he started with the premise that his bench press meant who could never be successful in the NBA and then ends on touting Greg Oden as a superstar with athletic prowess sounding like he was Bo Jackson. Or John Wall being a bad NBA player because he "did the Dougie" and then landing on nonsense about him not having a father figure.

Here he starts with a pet theory about Bill SImmons move to HBO arguing that Simmons on TV is the same as what he has done in the past... when the reality is, its the thing the guy is absolutely terrible at. His strengths really seems to be cultivating good talent and letting them work (e.g., 30/30 and Grantland). So in an effort to prove his hot take on Bill Simmons, he starts down this absurd Baseball is all instincts path and ends up on the Dominican point. Then he goes on to make points about the dearth of college players which are equally specious as his Dominican theory. Its silly and stupid.. not to mention I bet the league is not even remotely close to a third Dominican. Id say its 10% or less... so yes its not true.
Oh i forgot about his "hottest take" the one blaming Sean Taylor for his murder. That was a great one. Surely as a DC guy you remember that ADP? Guy is a clown show.
If everyone concedes it was silly and stupid fine. Still not a reason to be pulled. If that's the new bar we'll see at least two radio hosts per day being pulled from the air. The bar has been lowered again.
Oh i forgot about his "hottest take" the one blaming Sean Taylor for his murder. That was a great one. Surely as a DC guy you remember that ADP? Guy is a clown show.

I don't follow anything said about the Redskins. No clue. Regardless, it's clear your issue is with Coherd, you don't like him. Certainly your rite.
I don't follow anything said about the Redskins. No clue. Regardless, it's clear your issue is with Coherd, you don't like him. Certainly your rite.
I don't that is correct.. but I'm also not surprised ESPN finally pulled the plug especially at this point in their relationship.. and Im certainly no fan of ESPN. He had to play the "I also criticize white players, look at my take on Tim Tebow" card to defend the John Wall take and the Sean Taylor stuff was simply despicable. Ride that line long enough and eventually you might find yourself on a work hiatus.
It definitely doesn't get worse bgranc, here is the rest of the statement

Cowherd: “It’s too complex? I’ve never bought into that ‘baseball is too complex.’ Really? A third of the sport is from the Dominican Republic. The Dominican Republic has not been known in my lifetime as having world class academic abilities. A lot of those kids come from rough backgrounds and have not had opportunities academically that other kids from other countries have. Baseball is like any sport. It’s mostly instincts. A sportswriter who covers baseball could go up to Tony La Russa and make an argument and Tony would listen and it would seem reasonable. There’s not a single NFL writer in the country who could diagram a play for Bill Belichick. You know, we get caught up in this whole ‘thinking-man’s game.’ Is it in the same family? Most people could do it. It’s not being a concert pianist. It’s in the same family.”

But I think you just want to play the pc card. Seems to be big to you. It's a dumb statement to make in the current climate of things, but he is right, the dr isn't an academically advanced nation - that's a stat more than an opinion. Maybe the word 'abilities' should have been avoided

And the john wall stuff wasn't just about the dancing, it was a general maturity level thing. And also was in the context of 'he'll never be one of the greats' not 'he's going to end up in jail.'

Is a guy who's paid to have opinions allowed to have any? I guess you prefer Mike and mike? You like the mickey mouse approach?
Yup you got me ....huge mike and mike fan. Sorry I don't like your man crush and his silly hot takes. This whole pet theory of his is dumb start to finish and your "clone" like defense of his wall take shows where you stand. The people that pay him suspended him not me, It wouldn't bother me in the least if they did not suspend him I just think he is a clown.
Exactly, and when I listened live it could have been said better but not a reason to get taken off the air. People want to get all righteous against things/people they don't like or suits their narrative. To give the pc police th these scalps over a comment that was without malice is more dangerous than the initial comments.Cowherd has been on the air for over a decade. You trying to tell me this was the worst thing he ever said or he's got some track record of being racist. Regardless, bg feels good to be righteous. It's a joke. ESPN was done with him so they used the first opportunity to take him down.He's been saying similar stuff on their air for over a decade. It's silly that's where we are today. Again, now they will have to come after everyone on their networks as nothing is safe. I don't know how dan lebatard (whom I enjoy) will ever get though a show under these new standards of pc.Everyone can now feel better about themselves as well. We've made a real difference in the world. Dukes of Hazzard last week, Hulk Hogan and Colin Cowherd this week. Next week, we're going after Archie Bunker. Oh wait...too late.
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Outside of your personal vendetta against cowherd, are you arguing that baseball is a complex game? that DR has a good education system? Or simply that he is incorrect because, as of opening, day baseball consisted of 10% Dominicans, not 33%?
His original point was about bill Simmons which lead him down this dopey path. He is conflating completely unrelated arguments and none of it even makes sense.

And yes if you are making your argument that baseball is a simple game that can be played by imbeciles - Then suggesting a third of the league is Dominican who are poorly educated to validate your theory, when the reality is there are between 80 and 90 Dominicans in the league... then isn't your theory kind of foolish? It's starting from an entirely false premise. 75 percent of the league is American.

Do you believe, as he is suggesting that domincans wouldn't be able to play football if that was the popular sport on that island? That they wouldn't have the mental capacity for the game??

I also don't believe that baseball is the most insticts driven sport. Do I think the "thinking mans game stuff" is sometimes overdone.. I do. But not for the reasons he is suggesting.
how many kids from the DR have enrolled at Harvard or Yale?
That's not the point. The Dominican republic is poor with a terrible education system. That has nothing to do with baseball being an insticts drive game. Literally nothing.
The defense is always to attack cowherd. What he said was unartful, that's it. Doesn't mean anyone has a man crush on the guy. He's a talk radio host...that statement warrants being pulled from the air. No on NE can say that with a straight face. Stop.
The defense is always to attack cowherd. What he said was unartful, that's it. Doesn't mean anyone has a man crush on the guy. He's a talk radio host...that statement warrants being pulled from the air. No on NE can say that with a straight face. Stop.
ESPN once suspended tony kornheiser for making fun of Hannah storm's clothes. Lebatard was suspended for his Lebron stunt. Simmons was suspended for criticizing Goodell.

Maybe a dude at the end of his contract should have avoided treading into waters where he had to make some conflated nonsensical sociological argument about Dominicans being dumb that is a textbook example of an ecological fallacy.... Especially at a time when a partner of ESPN like MLB is working harder than ever to cultivate the latino market. Now we are playing the victim card for him with this "white man can't win in today's world" nonsense that truly can't pass the straight face test.

He's made his career with these lazy sociological pet theories he presents as "hard truth telling" (like the wall or Taylor hot takes) so I think it's a bit hypocritical to discipline him now buts it's ESPN... what do you expect.
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Was it really untrue? The DR is not known to be a well educated country. You can hate him for other stuff but the point is what he said was not worthy of being pulled from the air. That was my point. Here is the new problem for ESPN: they now set a standard for which people can be pulled down from talk radio. No one can say anything. Simmons gets pulled basically for his continued assault on the NFL, Coward here, who's next? ESPN sucks.