Don Imus

nardibynature123 All-American
May 5, 2014
Accidentally tuned to Imus in the Morning today and jesus christ, he is brutal. His wife is now on the show I guess with a few other morons. They were talking about how Mucinex makes your mouth dry, it went on for about 3 minutes before I turned it off. I guess I had it on so long because I was in shock this guy was still on anything.

How on earth has this man been getting paid for this long?
Yes, she's graduated in the early-80s.

If you want more entertainment, turn on the simulcast on Fox Business (if it's still on). Talk about a face made for radio!
I had a somewhat similar experience last week - just flipping through stations on scan. It was totally not listenable on any level, and yet at the same time all the 'characters' were laughing the entire time like it was some classic Stern bit. Half the time he is schilling some product acting like he's not a plant. It's insulting. I have no idea who listens to him anymore.
She did in fact graduate from Nova, ran track and is only 24 years younger then Don.

How are the Rutgers' Women's Basketball team doing this year?
Let's let Imus' career play itself out before we judge. Too early to tell.

Originally posted by HereComeTheCats:

Originally posted by CWertz:
She did in fact graduate from Nova, ran track and is only 24 years younger then Don.
Some i-net track and field sleuths claim she was not on the Nova team.
Wow, there are some newsgroups that are more depressing than ours?
I don't know. paulthefan brings the heat:

sure just google flaxen headed ho, [/I]and there she is.... (that is just a joke so please dont excommunicate me, im sure she is a wonderful woman almost on par with the lady scarlet knights)
Originally posted by HereComeTheCats:
I don't know. paulthefan brings the heat:

sure just google flaxen headed ho, [/I]and there she is.... (that is just a joke so please dont excommunicate me, im sure she is a wonderful woman almost on par with the lady scarlet knights)
Someone needs to Leno his ass.

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