ShoesEvenShinier Diaper Dandy Apr 8, 2014 289 72 28 Feb 26, 2016 #3 guess he threw in the damned towel
gldendog Post 'Til Your Fingers Bleed Jul 24, 2001 36,243 553 113 Feb 26, 2016 #4 He's not a machine. He's a man.
gldendog Post 'Til Your Fingers Bleed Jul 24, 2001 36,243 553 113 Feb 26, 2016 #5 Can't believe he was only 38 in Rocky I. Looked at least 50. Seemed to be a guy who aged early and then barely aged at all from like late 30s to 60s.
Can't believe he was only 38 in Rocky I. Looked at least 50. Seemed to be a guy who aged early and then barely aged at all from like late 30s to 60s.
SameSmallGroup Diaper Dandy Feb 15, 2016 361 95 28 Feb 26, 2016 #6 Disappointed in gdog. Thought he'd use this as an opportunity to critique his fictional boxing training methods. Reactions: nardibynature2
Disappointed in gdog. Thought he'd use this as an opportunity to critique his fictional boxing training methods.