Duke Lax 30 for 30

I liked it because I thought ESPN did a great job of giving these guys minor justice in the public's eye. I hated it because it of how angry the whole situation made me feel. it was despicable how everyone from top to bottom treated these men, how the durham county judicial system treated these kids, how the public opinion treated these kids. I hope they each got Erin Andrews money in their out of court settlement. duck fuke
I heard the three settled for 60 mil between them.

I thought the program was well done. Very much enjoyed it.

There are people in every community that feel that their purpose in life is to participate in protests and "make things right." I'd like to give them all a slap. The rush to judgement here was epic and extremely unfair.

The fact that the lead investigator later committed suicide and the girl went on to kill someone speaks volumes.
Yes I too am happy that a bunch of rich entitled assholes got to become even richer and more entitled assholes after this incident.
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Yes I too am happy that a bunch of rich entitled assholes got to become even richer and more entitled assholes after this incident.

I don't care about that.

The behavior of the media, students, Jesse Jackson types, etc, etc, etc screaming into their bullhorns irked me more.
no one bats an eye at the privileged Louisville players stripper parties. cant have ur cake and eat it too. these guys were wrongfully accused for a mistake many many many young adults make while growing up. they weren't right for hiring these two females, it was a terrible and costly mistake but in no way deserving of the snowball
Hopefully they have given all the money away to charity and repented for their white privilege.
Reminded me of making a murderer. I didn't personally know any of them, but had numerous connections made it more interesting. Actually I think I knew the dude that sent them email that got tossed.
The crazy stripper killed her boyfriend and is now in jail. I laughed out loud at the tv when they showed that.
I didn't like it so i didn't watch it.
Who am I going to root for in this story?
A crazy prostitute? Lax bros? Sports media douches?
My favorite is seeing all the people protesting calling for justice. Should those people now be required to spend equal amount of time publicly apologizing?
The never-ending quest to find the Great White Defendant
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My favorite is seeing all the people protesting calling for justice. Should those people now be required to spend equal amount of time publicly apologizing?
Spot on. At least the one journalist wrote an apology.
I watched this last night. the DA was a total moron. What was he thinking ? that this was never gonna go to trial? that the defendants were going to hire incompetent lawyers? that the truth was never going to come out and a jury was going to send 3 white college students to a 30 year sentence in a Durham County Prison? Makes no sense to me at all. All this to get re-elected as the DA? Did he get so far into this he couldnt get out and kept lying?

i don't understand the whole privilege or entitled angle. How are these kids any different than me and you? i'm a middle class white kid that went to Villanova does that make me entitled or privileged? colleges have been filled with these types of kids for centuries why all of a sudden does the media hate them? why does the media want to send them to prison? arent most the of reporters covering the story college educated privileged people?

I cant even imagine how the parents must have felt. the absolute fear and terror about what will happen to their children must have been a year long nightmare.

Regardless of the verdict, regardless of the amount of money they were awarded, I would never want to go through that. they ended up ok in the end, one kid went to Brown the law school, the other Loyola and the other graduated and went to Wharton for his MBA.

the media loves a story, whether its true or not is not the issue. as long as its a story that is all that matters.

Was that John Schyer in the one clip being handed a flyer?
I liked it so I watched it. I don't really have a deep recollection of the details, I just remember that the case fell apart and the DA got in trouble. It was nice to get all of the details in one place.

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