I wonder how is son is taking this?
Goldust had one of the hottest managers ever - Marlena. Maybe only Sable was hotter. I'll never forget standing outside of Barnes & Noble and asking adults to buy me and my friends when she was in Playboy for the 1st time. That issue got heavy use, I think I may still have it somewhere.What courage! Should get an ESPY.
Does anyone still watch? How is it nowadays?
Has anyone tried to watch wrestling for even 5 mins now? It's amazing to me the organization is as mega successful as it is. How do people find it entertaining to follow these charisma-less no names. In the 80s thru mid 90's it was great. The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Austin and Goldberg held it together for a short bit after that. Now it's just utter trash.
I never had a taco. (Has since been changed). I have never been in a Wallmart. I don't like condiments. I don't drink hot liquids. And I have never watched one second of wrestling, Like ever.
From what I can tell, Daniel Bryan is a pretty charismatic fellow.Not good but still passable. They need more charisma at top of its talent roster though. Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, john Cena ain't cutting it.
From what I can tell, Daniel Bryan is a pretty charismatic fellow.