Dusty Rhodes Remembered

man how he lived to 69 ill never know.

rest easy sweet prince. sapphire is awaiting your arrival.

he really was a great character for the WWF. had no athletic ability, was 100lbs overweight and was a fan favorite. im thinking heart disease got him. at least it wasnt steroids.

my favorite WWF wrasslers

The Rockers
Rowdy Rody Piper (when they played those bag pipes there was nothing better).
Rick Rude
Macho Man
you would think a man of novabballs monetary stature would not know who dusty rhodes is. wrestling is entertainment for people who golf at munis and shop at wal mart.
Goodnight, sweet prince. May there be many bionic elbows in heaven.

You've got to love unathletic wrestlers who got by on charisma and confidence. He was supposedly a great mentor and businessman too. Two of his kids made the big time, too. Cody and Dustin.
didnt he have his own show for the WWF? i think he might have.

kenny - when i was a child i knew of two things. baseball and WWF on Sat mornings. grab a bowl of cereal, sit back and enjoy Brutus the Barber Beefcake give the Brooklyn Brawler a trim after he put him in the sleeper hold. and Bad News Brown could never get a win. WWF was clearly racist.
I haven't watched wrestling in over 15 years, but I used to be so into. My friend had illegal cable and I saw every WWF PPV from like 1993-1998. Those were the days, great story lines and great entertainment. Does anyone still watch? How is it nowadays?
What courage! Should get an ESPY.
Goldust had one of the hottest managers ever - Marlena. Maybe only Sable was hotter. I'll never forget standing outside of Barnes & Noble and asking adults to buy me and my friends when she was in Playboy for the 1st time. That issue got heavy use, I think I may still have it somewhere.
Ms Elizabeth was the dime of WWF managers. Google her, apparantly Lex Luger killed her in a steroid rage.
Sable. Used to jack it to her Playboy issue.

I mostly watched during the attitude era when I was probably ten to 15. That was great television.
Has anyone tried to watch wrestling for even 5 mins now? It's amazing to me the organization is as mega successful as it is. How do people find it entertaining to follow these charisma-less no names. In the 80s thru mid 90's it was great. The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Austin and Goldberg held it together for a short bit after that. Now it's just utter trash.
I never had a taco. (Has since been changed). I have never been in a Wallmart. I don't like condiments. I don't drink hot liquids. And I have never watched one second of wrestling, Like ever.
Has anyone tried to watch wrestling for even 5 mins now? It's amazing to me the organization is as mega successful as it is. How do people find it entertaining to follow these charisma-less no names. In the 80s thru mid 90's it was great. The Rock, Shawn Michaels, Undertaker, Austin and Goldberg held it together for a short bit after that. Now it's just utter trash.

Not good but still passable. They need more charisma at top of its talent roster though. Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, john Cena ain't cutting it.
Wow what are the odds - everyone thought wrestling was good during their formative years when they were just starting to have opinions about things. I wonder if this has any connection to our views of music, tv, sports, etc. what are the odds
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I never had a taco. (Has since been changed). I have never been in a Wallmart. I don't like condiments. I don't drink hot liquids. And I have never watched one second of wrestling, Like ever.

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