Best line in the article is the last one: As opposed to, you know, being a kid in Bangladesh.
"It sucks to be a kid in the San Gabriel Valley."
As opposed to, you know, being a kid in Bangladesh.
Hopefully in the future college admissions become less reliant on standardized tests that can be hacked. When first generation immigrants are getting into Harvard with 800 Verbal scores because they memorized every single word that has ever been on the SATs, but they can't actually speak the language, we have a problem.
"It sucks to be a kid in the San Gabriel Valley."
As opposed to, you know, being a kid in Bangladesh.
Hopefully in the future college admissions become less reliant on standardized tests that can be hacked. When first generation immigrants are getting into Harvard with 800 Verbal scores because they memorized every single word that has ever been on the SATs, but they can't actually speak the language, we have a problem.