For Asian Americans, a Changing Landscape in College Admissions

Villanova U

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Sep 22, 2014
Best line in the article is the last one: As opposed to, you know, being a kid in Bangladesh.

"It sucks to be a kid in the San Gabriel Valley."

As opposed to, you know, being a kid in Bangladesh.

Hopefully in the future college admissions become less reliant on standardized tests that can be hacked. When first generation immigrants are getting into Harvard with 800 Verbal scores because they memorized every single word that has ever been on the SATs, but they can't actually speak the language, we have a problem.
As someone who is in the midst of this process (High School Senior), this is a very interesting article. Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.
Originally posted by Greg Woodward:

As someone who is in the midst of this process (High School Senior), this is a very interesting article. Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.
If you live in the NE and parts of CA, you know exactly what this is all about. But I see where colleges are coming from. In the process myself currently and every college talks about diversity. I am sure the entire Yale class of 2019 can be straight A, 2250+ multi activity Asian kids who play the violin, but that's not the student body they are after.
Originally posted by Greg Woodward:

As someone who is in the midst of this process (High School Senior), this is a very interesting article. Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.
Is your high school senior Asian?
Asian parents just take college admissions way too seriously. They are very status-conscious, and getting their kids into good schools is seen as garnering high status. The same way some people drive nice cars or join nice country clubs, they brag about getting their kids into ivy league schools. I don't think anyone can really appreciate the pressure these kids are under.

I vividly remember my junior year in high school seeing an asian girl freaking out in the hallway, grabbing her hair with both hands sobbing "If you don't get into Harvard, your life is SCREWED" over and over again. Turns out she had just got an A- in some AP class and was freaking out that her GPA was going to go down. She literally could not handle the fact that she wasn't perfect, and had a mental breakdown because of it.

Funny story is that she ended up going to Brown and is now a teacher, married a non-Asian guy and has a couple of kids. Seems like an ok life to me.
This was hugely prevalent applying to B school. A shitload of indians from IIT blow up the gmat, scoring 760+ but have zero else to offer. They're all the same and couldnt figure out why they werent at harvard. No school wants everyone who is exactly the same... Except nova.
Originally posted by LizReed:

Originally posted by Greg Woodward:

As someone who is in the midst of this process (High School Senior), this is a very interesting article. Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.
Is your high school senior Asian?
Originally posted by Ninetynine5.0:

Originally posted by Greg Woodward:

As someone who is in the midst of this process (High School Senior), this is a very interesting article. Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.
I am sure the entire Yale class of 2019 can be straight A, 2250+ multi activity Asian kids who play the violin, but that's not the student body they are after.
I don't know. We toured Yale and a couple other Ivies and I honestly felt like I was in another Country (especially at Yale). The only Ivy where I didn't get this feeling was at Dartmouth.
Originally posted by Ninetynine5.0:
Originally posted by Greg Woodward:

As someone who is in the midst of this process (High School Senior), this is a very interesting article. Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.
If you live in the NE and parts of CA, you know exactly what this is all about. But I see where colleges are coming from. In the process myself currently and every college talks about diversity. I am sure the entire Yale class of 2019 can be straight A, 2250+ multi activity Asian kids who play the violin, but that's not the student body they are after.
When I took a tour of Yale back in 06, the admissions person who showed us around said that they had so many qualified students applying academically that would maintain all of their SAT score average, GPA, etc that they could replace their current accepted students 4 times over and have no drop off. I'd imagine its only gotten harder to differentiate yourself especially if not coming from some elite private boarding school.
Originally posted by Greg Woodward:

As someone who is in the midst of this process (High School Senior), this is a very interesting article. Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.
more power to most of those Asians - the majority of those cultures respect education, hard work and family values. Exactly the opposite of some of the "cultures" in our society.
Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.

maybe the funniest line of BW 2015 to date.
Originally posted by novabball2:
Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.

maybe the funniest line of BW 2015 to date.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to burst out laughing when I read that.
Originally posted by TooTchuisi:

Originally posted by Ninetynine5.0:
Originally posted by Greg Woodward:

As someone who is in the midst of this process (High School Senior), this is a very interesting article. Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.
If you live in the NE and parts of CA, you know exactly what this is all about. But I see where colleges are coming from. In the process myself currently and every college talks about diversity. I am sure the entire Yale class of 2019 can be straight A, 2250+ multi activity Asian kids who play the violin, but that's not the student body they are after.
When I took a tour of Yale back in 06, the admissions person who showed us around said that they had so many qualified students applying academically that would maintain all of their SAT score average, GPA, etc that they could replace their current accepted students 4 times over and have no drop off. I'd imagine its only gotten harder to differentiate yourself especially if not coming from some elite private boarding school.
INteresting point. Wondering if the number of intelligent kids has really multiplied, or if the grading has eased somewhat to make student and HS look better. The SAT is basically a means test at this point.
Originally posted by BCHoopster:

Originally posted by novabball2:
Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.

maybe the funniest line of BW 2015 to date.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to burst out laughing when I read that.
Pure gold. If intentional, very nicely done.
Originally posted by BCHoopster:
Originally posted by novabball2:
Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.

maybe the funniest line of BW 2015 to date.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to burst out laughing when I read that.
I did as well. Cap Tip.
Originally posted by Greg Woodward:

As someone who is in the midst of this process (High School Senior), this is a very interesting article. Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.
Well played, cap tip.
Originally posted by BCHoopster:
Originally posted by novabball2:
Didn't realize there was a slant against the Asians.

maybe the funniest line of BW 2015 to date.
I'm glad I'm not the only one to burst out laughing when I read that.
I giggled, a lot.

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