He also won't predict who wins.
Yes. They are no different than me listening to what the tooth fairy has to say and follow that vote.Reverend in that list?
As if Bernie possibly becoming President isn't scary?I don't if there is anything that scares me more than people who vote because of what a pastor or a priest says.
It's simply pandering to another base. One just seems more righteous. In Bernie's case is genuine, in HRC's case is intellectual dishonestly to the highest form. In Trump's case I'm inclined to think he believes it as well. You call these people the unwashed masses and now they are economically stable? Aren't you from upstate NY? You should realize there are entire regions who feel left behind as well. It's just not popular to point them out one because they happen to be white. My old hometown in WV, similar to update NY, is an opioid infused place that time has left behind. Trump is tapping into those towns. We can all agree the rhetoric isn't great but people tend to look past these groups or call them unwashed masses yet pander to millionaires protesting during halftime shows. The lack of understanding this dynamic is what makes Trump's message more powerful.It's very Trumpian to equate the plight of economically stable white men with racial and economic issues. Let's have a Men's Rights rally while we're at it!
Trump's is simply channeling the angry white man syndrome that has been festering with each black lives matters protest/Beyonce performance.
Those as well. It's the idea that the gov/others are leaving them behind at the expense of others. When you listen to the PC and political rhetoric, it's understandable. People who are disenfranchised look to blame. That's what you are seeing with these protests. The Tea Party has morphed into this in many ways. Again, these are not my views but failing to understand they exist on a wide scale and why is ignorant. You have two political parties pandering to each extreme. Which is why if they nominate the extremes in their party you have a good chance of Bloomberg running up the middle.And here I thought it was the Mexicans that were getting the angry white man's dander up.
It's the idea that the gov/others are leaving them behind at the expense of others
It's simply pandering to another base. One just seems more righteous. In Bernie's case is genuine, in HRC's case is intellectual dishonestly to the highest form. In Trump's case I'm inclined to think he believes it as well. You call these people the unwashed masses and now they are economically stable? Aren't you from upstate NY? You should realize there are entire regions who feel left behind as well. It's just not popular to point them out one because they happen to be white. My old hometown in WV, similar to update NY, is an opioid infused place that time has left behind. Trump is tapping into those towns. We can all agree the rhetoric isn't great but people tend to look past these groups or call them unwashed masses yet pander to millionaires protesting during halftime shows. The lack of understanding this dynamic is what makes Trump's message more powerful.
And how is the rhetoric on the other side changing anything? Seriously, they are both pedaling empty promises. You think we'll see free college soon? You think HRC is going to crackdown on all her Wall Street donors? We'll have no more capitalism and everything will be equal. Everyone who holds the same job will all make the same money regardless of ability to perform said job? I don't know how that's even possible. Everyone you work with doesn't make the same amount of money nor should they. C'mon, it's all empty rhetoric not based in anything changing.
Seems like a rather personal question. I have no idea if she was with Bill or Huma.Post Valentine's Day check-in:
Was Mrs. Clinton indicted over the weekend?
I'm offended that you think I would ever be a Bills fan.ND, you also need to turn in your upstate NY card; tax incentives to attract business is Kempian supply side tax policy. Bills fans weep for you.
Tax breaks are part of it - get that part. But there's also humongous subsidies. And they're for corporate monsters like GE and IBM. Not the "little guy". Just more of the corporate welfare game.I thought Cuomo was doing a ton of tax incentives to companies. At least that's what I"m familiar with. I'm sure there is a mix of both. However, I"m not here to defend Cuomo's policies. I know he's gotten favorable reviews from both sides of the aisle so he must be doing something wrong.
Ok, so your point is the Democrats love corporate welfare? Or are you simply out the fact as a Gov who has a real responsibility to help constituents in areas that are failing (upstate NY) the reality is you cannot attack job creators through rhetoric but you make concessions to attract more of them? Is that your point? If so, I agree. We'll call him Rick Perry without the low state taxes.