Gosnell goes national?

Implicit or explicit endorsement of selling tissue of any kind is the most offensive thing about this.
I'm not a discharge
i'm not a loss of protein
I'm not a throbbing squirm
Pro life/pro choice people are the worst. Do people really care that much? I went to catholic school my whole life and it always amazed me how intense people were on both sides of the debate. I just enjoyed getting a day off every year in January in HS because more than 50% of the school went to the pro life march.

The worst are the people who vote solely based on this issue. I knew families in HS who would switch their registration during primary season just to vote against the pro choice candidate. Bizarre.
Is there more than one party with pro choice candidates?
If I remember correctly it was the 2002 Gubernatorial election. My friends whole family switched to D to vote against Rendell. It was, just looked it up. They wanted Bob Casey to win because he was Pro Life. During the general election I was bribed a case of beer to vote for the R - Mike Fisher. I declined and voted for Rendell. Did the same in 2006. Only D I have ever voted for.
I've always been confused by how its become a binary debate, despite the fact that pro-life and pro-choice, by definition, are not opposites.
Pro life/pro choice people are the worst. Do people really care that much? I went to catholic school my whole life and it always amazed me how intense people were on both sides of the debate. I just enjoyed getting a day off every year in January in HS because more than 50% of the school went to the pro life march.

The worst are the people who vote solely based on this issue. I knew families in HS who would switch their registration during primary season just to vote against the pro choice candidate. Bizarre.
This. Although I do enjoy people getting fired up on this. I find them to be dim witted.
I always liked Ed Rendell, I thought he was a good mayor and governor. I have nothing to back that up with so I guess I am biased towards him since he is a Philly guy. I would say the same about Nutter. I think he is a good mayor.
I would say the same about Nutter. I think he is a good mayor.

Damn straight, homie. They don't give awards to any punk ass mayor


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