Happens Everywhere, actually just in Philadelphia

Burrs - it seems to happen daily in the COP. everyday there is a fight in the schools or the septa platforms.
just another day in the COP, take a beating, give a beating, ride the subway. business as usual.

one could call that fight businesslike on both sides.
Agree 100%........another in the long list of reasons not to venture into Philly.......hope those guarding Pope Frankie are aware of what could befall the Pontiff during his visit......keep him off the streets and subway and in his bullet proof pope-mobile.
River to river, Vine to Pine. Not much reason to venture elsewhere, though I have a date with a girl I met at yoga tonight in south CoP. Outside my comfort zone, but should be worth it.
That was actually a pretty sick brawl. Lucky someone didn't die with a kid actually falling onto the tracks.

-South CoP -- went to Stateside (east of broad). Wouldn't cross broad that far south. Food/drink was about what I expected,
- No Blowie. Felt like the date was going pretty well, not the greatest. Got stuffed at the door after walking her home. Problem with asking out a random girl at yoga is you don't have much back story. Girl went to temple and is a teacher now in Wilmington. Waiting to see if she follows-up with me, not going to waste any more $ on her unless I get a good follow-up.
NN1188? do you live in the city? my gf lives in Society Hill. lots of good nightlife down there.
Septa Student Brawl. another black eye for the worst city in the world.

Only in Philadelphia?? I know you're kidding just to get a reaction from certain posters, but check out YouTube - it's littered with videos of street brawls from all over the country
i dont get the brawling and never will. who wants to go to a sports event and end up in jail or the hospital. why cant people take public transportation without the threat of being beaten unmercifully?

a not so smart man once said - cant we all just get along.

smartest thing anyone has ever said.
1188, your description matches exactly to the sister of someone I work with. If you know her last name, is it 4 letters long? If yes, then it's probably a match.
NN1188? do you live in the city? my gf lives in Society Hill. lots of good nightlife down there.

Yeah, I live in Rittenhouse. I stick to center city pretty much, I like Society Hill though. Like most places, much better in the summer.
1188, your description matches exactly to the sister of someone I work with. If you know her last name, is it 4 letters long? If yes, then it's probably a match.

I only know her first name (begins with a P). Through internet sleuthing, I was able to find her FB page before the date. I can't find her LinkedIn, and she doesn't have her last name on her fb, so I can't say if it's 4 letters or not.

I think her sister is like 25 years old, if that helps match the description.
Maybe not, because in my case, the sister that I know is at least in her 30's.
Yeah I'm pretty sure she said she was the oldest of 3 and she was only 27. Could've been mistake. General office consensus is to not text this girl. Zero follow-up thank you from a nice dinner, getting rejected at door. Cut losses.

Even if a chick just says, "hey, thanks for taking me out last night. I'm not really sure if I see this going anywhere, but just wanted to say thanks."

I can appreciate that. Takes a low class broad to not extend that courtesy.
NN 1188- i went to the rittenhouse spring festival preview party last week. was a decent time with lots of good food and drinks. rittenhouse is great, i just despise cabbies. so if its not nice out where i can walk from society hill, i wont go.

how is Parc?

i LOVE the new bookbinders called the Old Bar (new Garces venture) in Old City, if you like raw bars you'll love it, Amada is also great. anything Garces does is great.

any spots i must try in Rittenhouse area? ill be there this weekend for the jazz fest on Samson.
if a broad doesnt text you within the hour of the date then she is not interested. girls love to text and get excited when they think they might have a new boyfriend. no thank you text yet means its not happening.

Agreed about girl texting, though I give a buffer until 10am the next morning in case they don't want to seem too excited. After 10am, forget it.

As far as Rittenhouse goes, I like Matyson if I'm really trying to impress a girl. Village Whiskey is also a good time. Not sure if I share your feelings about cabs, never really had an issue.

I buy into the philosophy pricey on the scotch -- cheap on the beer. Fancy ass IPAs don't impress me, I just think they taste bad. So my favorite bars reflect that.
NN1188 - i went with Mercato BYOB if i was dating. now im hitched. me and my gf like Amada, pricey but the lamb chops are incredible.

if you like NE Clam Chowder you wont find better than Olde Bar in Old City.

i tend to agree about the IPAs. i love Belgium beers (been there a few times) so im selective with my beer but I have found some good IPAs based out of NY State. the PA ones blow. Calf has nice breweries and a selection of beers. Russian River being the best.

Would be glad to meet other BWs. Here's my alternate spam email: yankeessuck1188 @ drop me a note if you want to grab a drink over next couple weeks.

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