Lack of headphones


Diaper Dandy
Apr 7, 2015
Noticing a disturbing trend these days where more and more people don't bother using headphones anymore in public places thereby subjecting everyone to their horrible tastes in music.

Reminds me of the 80s when certain members of society would roam their streets with their over sized boom boxes. Same members only boom boxes are smaller now.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
This "alt" blows.

I haven't noticed this trend btw, probably because I stay in affluent areas of the city I live in and the cities I travel to visit.
I notice it and it's an awful trend. Anyone doing this should be beaten.
Originally posted by Helen&HouseDicks:
Noticing a disturbing trend these days where more and more people don't bother using headphones anymore in public places thereby subjecting everyone to their horrible tastes in music.

Reminds me of the 80s when certain members of society would roam their streets with their over sized boom boxes. Same members only boom boxes are smaller now.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
funny you say that. just saw some a-hole walking down the street the other day with some sort of new-age boombox blaring god-awful rap "music". Thought to myself I haven't seen that move in years. Jagoff looked exactly like Darius Miles.
This post was edited on 4/17 4:13 PM by dirtyd
Has nothing to do with affluent areas or not. I see this crap in airports and coffee shops etc. not just limited to music either but whatever they're doing on the phone. Watching videos or playing games.

Also noticing people walking down the street and talking on speaker which is also mind blowing to me.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
H & H Dicks is all over this topic......but, I thought headphones were limited to college hoops players getting off the bus and walking into the arena. I gotta do some research on this.......
I was getting a haircut and some dick was blaring edm out of his iphone. Don't get me wrong, I like EDM but not coming out of tiny iphone speakers and while waiting to get a haircut. Put some headphones on.

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