
Pitino wanted to make sure these kids could last longer than 15 seconds.
there is more to this story than whats in print. how does a dir of bball operations get 10K to pay a stripper. those guys make no money and how would that benefit him? he wasnt the one recruiting the players. either Pitino was involved (which I doubt) or a booster was behind this.
there is more to this story than whats in print. how does a dir of bball operations get 10K to pay a stripper. those guys make no money and how would that benefit him? he wasnt the one recruiting the players. either Pitino was involved (which I doubt) or a booster was behind this.

why would you not think Pitino was involved? these coaches aren't leaving things in recruiting up to low level assistants. he had to have at least some peripheral knowledge it was going on.
I would think that recruiting coordinators have some do's and don' does anyone think that head coaches like pitino are so naive that they would never think something like this was possible?
You think Rick Pitino is micro-managing entertainment expenses?

no but i highly doubt Pitino or any coach doesn't have at least some idea what said recruits are doing at all times when they are on campus for visits. you have to know where those kids are and what they are up to. too many bad things can happen if you don't know. he had to know they were having parties with strippers. had to.
Who gives a shit?

Who on this board honestly thinks this is wrong or jeopardizes the integrity of the NCAA? Really. Id love to hear your asinine opinion.
no but i highly doubt Pitino or any coach doesn't have at least some idea what said recruits are doing at all times when they are on campus for visits. you have to know where those kids are and what they are up to. too many bad things can happen if you don't know. he had to know they were having parties with strippers. had to.

Disagree. They intentionally remain ignorant of the details to avoid taking the fall if anyone tries to spoil the fun. In addition, what the h*ll do most old men coaches know about what 16-17 years olds think a good time is?
In addition, what the h*ll do most old men coaches know about what 16-17 years olds think a good time is?

Uh, reglardless of age, what straight white guy from NYC wouldn't think banging strippers is a "good time?"
Is "remaining ignorant of the details..." the same as what Joe Paterno did? If not, how is it different and why was he crucified for being ignorant.....

Same thing, but Pitino didnt represent a perfect, ideal man, so outsiders wont fight as hard to take him down. Had Paterno run a program rife with minor scandals over his career they would have never batted an eye.
Is "remaining ignorant of the details..." the same as what Joe Paterno did? If not, how is it different and why was he crucified for being ignorant.....
Paterno was presented with details of crimes and chose not to act on them.
Average Joe college hoops coach puts himself in a position to delegate certain aspects of the dirty work out to people so that they maintain plausible deniability. "Assistant coach X was tasked with showing recruits around campus (aka hiring strippers) or academic counseling (grade fixing/paper writing). I had no idea that they ran afoul of the regulations. He's just a loose cannon in an otherwise saintly operation."
Prostitution is a crime. Being ignorant to assistant coaches' paying for said services doesn't seem plausible. Assistants are usually young and just starting their careers, making minimal amounts of money with dreams of much higher positions. I doubt that they would just take such liberties without instruction.
"If I'm not getting laid, I'm not coming."

How do we know he didn't mean:

"If I'm not getting laid, I'm not cumming."