Nancy Reagan Remembered

Bush lied, people died, when it came to his failed wars.

But Nancy's war mongering in the war against drugs is by far the biggest disaster I can think of. A literal gosnell when it comes to tax money spending and miseducation of the American people. Nancy's lying to the American people about drugs has single handily cause a rise in addiction by over three thousand percent.

One of history's gr8est monsters.
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Bush lied, people died, when it came to his failed wars.

But Nancy's war mongering in the war against drugs is by far the biggest disaster I can think of. A literal gosnell when it comes to tax money spending and miseducation of the American people. Nancy's lying to the American people about drugs has single handily cause a rise in addiction by over three thousand percent.

One of history's gr8est monsters.
She was a classy first lady and at least she didn't have a mustache!
Bush lied, people died, when it came to his failed wars.

But Nancy's war mongering in the war against drugs is by far the biggest disaster I can think of. A literal gosnell when it comes to tax money spending and miseducation of the American people. Nancy's lying to the American people about drugs has single handily cause a rise in addiction by over three thousand percent.

One of history's gr8est monsters.
Or, people could blame themselves but nah, why blame yourself when you can blame others?
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You know how many non-violent drug users we sent to jail and how much money we wasted doing that, while also giving these people criminal records for something that should be legal, because of nancy's warped view of the real world?
You know how many non-violent drug users we sent to jail and how much money we wasted doing that, while also giving these people criminal records for something that should be legal, because of nancy's warped view of the real world?
There's one thing to disagree with a law, it's another thing when you choose to break the law.
Addiction is part of human nature. It has been since the beginning of time. Over criminalizing addiction was a mistake. If Nancy Reagan didn't proclaim her war on drugs, many people would have avoided criminal records and society would be a better place.

If the drugs were never proclaimed illegal so that Nancy could get votes from a bunch of holier than thou assholes then these people would have avoided criminal records and been able to live more productive lives.
Addiction is part of human nature. It has been since the beginning of time. Over criminalizing addiction was a mistake. If Nancy Reagan didn't proclaim her war on drugs, many people would have avoided criminal records and society would be a better place.

If the drugs were never proclaimed illegal so that Nancy could get votes from a bunch of holier than thou assholes then these people would have avoided criminal records and been able to live more productive lives.
Which drugs in particular are you speaking of? Are you of the opinion that all drugs should be legal?
Addiction is part of human nature. It has been since the beginning of time. Over criminalizing addiction was a mistake. If Nancy Reagan didn't proclaim her war on drugs, many people would have avoided criminal records and society would be a better place.

If the drugs were never proclaimed illegal so that Nancy could get votes from a bunch of holier than thou assholes then these people would have avoided criminal records and been able to live more productive lives.
I didn't know Nancy ran for office and got all those "votes."
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So you're saying that Nancy has never done anything wrong?
It's not a matter of which drugs should be legal, but rather which should be illegal. Only the really destructive drugs should be illegal. Otherwise let those who ride decide.

There is no reason to make illegal drugs like marijuana or cocaine or mdma or mushrooms or any of those prescription drugs like xanax that are so not harmful that millions of housewives are prescribed to take twice daily and still function with their daily lives.

The laws should focus on the real harmful drugs. Meth. Heroin. Krokodil. Unusually strong prescriptions like oxy 80's.

And even then it should only rise to a felony and the imposition of jail if one is caught in the distribution of these drugs.

Think of aall the money we could save the local police departments not having to police the kid on the corner with a one hitter or eberzz's buddy taking a bump of yayo in the bathroom stall at a steakhouse.

And there should be more government funded rehabilitation options. A spot at a rehab center costs less than a bed in a prison.

But Nancy Reagan didn't want this common sense approach to this real problem. She took an unrealistic approach that was doomed to fail from day 1. She is one of history's gr8est monsters.
It's not a matter of which drugs should be legal, but rather which should be illegal. Only the really destructive drugs should be illegal. Otherwise let those who ride decide.

There is no reason to make illegal drugs like marijuana or cocaine or mdma or mushrooms or any of those prescription drugs like xanax that are so not harmful that millions of housewives are prescribed to take twice daily and still function with their daily lives.

The laws should focus on the real harmful drugs. Meth. Heroin. Krokodil. Unusually strong prescriptions like oxy 80's.

And even then it should only rise to a felony and the imposition of jail if one is caught in the distribution of these drugs.

Think of aall the money we could save the local police departments not having to police the kid on the corner with a one hitter or eberzz's buddy taking a bump of yayo in the bathroom stall at a steakhouse.

And there should be more government funded rehabilitation options. A spot at a rehab center costs less than a bed in a prison.

But Nancy Reagan didn't want this common sense approach to this real problem. She took an unrealistic approach that was doomed to fail from day 1. She is one of history's gr8est monsters.
Why aren't you blaming the presidents since Reagan as well?
I am going to go stand outside the Hawaii Caucus with a sign that says:

See if I can drum up any support for the cause.
I am going to go stand outside the Hawaii Caucus with a sign that says:

See if I can drum up any support for the cause.

Nancy has never been on my list of favorite people, but she did one thing I like. John McNasty's first wife
was seriously injured and disfigured in an accident while he was overseas. That would not make her a wife
for a war hero (?) with political ambitions. When he met and later married a rich young beauty, Nancy gave him big time grief
and made sure the first wife had a decent job and life. Kudos to Nancy.
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I am going to go stand outside the Hawaii Caucus with a sign that says:

See if I can drum up any support for the cause.

Nancy has never been on my list of favorite people, but she did one thing I like. John McNasty's first wife
was seriously injured and disfigured in an accident while he was overseas. That would not make her a wife
for a war hero (?) with political ambitions. When he met and later married a rich young beauty, Nancy gave him big time grief
and made sure the first wife had a decent job and life. Kudos to Nancy.

That's fantastic. Kudos to Nancy.

But what does that have to do with a grass roots movement to legalize meth?
Nancy has never been on my list of favorite people, but she did one thing I like. John McNasty's first wife
was seriously injured and disfigured in an accident while he was overseas. That would not make her a wife
for a war hero (?) with political ambitions. When he met and later married a rich young beauty, Nancy gave him big time grief
and made sure the first wife had a decent job and life. Kudos to Nancy.

She gave a handy to John Wooden once too.
I don't think Nancy planned for her tough stance on drugs to be twisted by police forces across the country to unfairly target poor people. I think the whole country was scared at the time - I wasn't alive so always viewed it as a chicken or the egg thing. Ragging on her solely for what has happened since then though is as dumb as calling Michelle a tyrant for trying to make
school lunches healthier
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I don't think Nancy planned for her tough stance on drugs to be twisted by police forces across the country to unfairly target poor people. I think the whole country was scared at the time - I wasn't alive so always viewed it as a chicken or the egg thing. Ragging on her solely for what has happened since then though is as dumb as calling Michelle a tyrant for trying to make
school lunches healthier
Two options:
1) democrats forgot how bad the "crack epidemic" was in their cities
2) the "crack epidemic" was a republican invention to pander to police and corrections officer unions
Two options:
1) democrats forgot how bad the "crack epidemic" was in their cities
2) the "crack epidemic" was a republican invention to pander to police and corrections officer unions
Would be fun to look back and see how the rhetoric about addiction has shifted from how we talked about the crack epidemic to the oxy/dope scourge.
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Yeah. Opiates is hitting the white population hard for a while now. Can't just go and lock up every male under 30 in the suburbs.
I hope she's in heaven with her beloved "Ronnie." Pretty lowlife to drag her through the mud. Says more about the posters doing it than it does about her.
I hope she's in heaven with her beloved "Ronnie." Pretty lowlife to drag her through the mud. Says more about the posters doing it than it does about her.

Your position is that people who abused their positions of power are beyond criticism once they pass? Hitler and Dick Nixon and Bill Cosby must be happy with your attitude.