NCAA tickets - presale tomorrow at noon

This Jimmy Graham ad came up in the side bar:
Just picked up 4 tix and between the foul lines, thank you. Figured they would only be corners. Shocked this actually worked.
Just picked up 4 tix and between the foul lines, thank you. Figured they would only be corners. Shocked this actually worked.
Yeah - there are a lot of good tickets available surprisingly. No lower levels from what I can tell, but center court in the first couple rows up top which is not a bad view at all.
The schools and sponsors get all the lowers. However, the uppers midcourt aren't bad at all. At a minimum you know you're in the building and free to find better seats if need be. Tough to beat a strip at $225. Worst case you can resell and make your money back. Appreciate you providing the link. Thank you.
Key to tournaments is getting in the building. You'll have opposing fans arrive late, leave early can always move down. Maybe not for the regional final but always the first 3 rounds and even final 4. Last year I gave my seats to a butler fan after our debacle. No way I was sitti NG through another game.