Penn Relays is next weekend. I expect the men to be competitive, but I am not so sure about the women. Where is Kelsey Margey? She has not been the same runner, this year.
What was Slade thinking - if at all - on the anchor of the 4x800? And why was he there in the first place (and not Williamsz)? Cool that Jordy learned from his Friday mistake when he went way too soon. Williamsz is the man. Ran three outstanding legs over the course of two days.
Guys need to learn how to run. Solis let guy from Columbia pass him on the inside. Bad stick exchange between 800 & 1600. How does that happen? Smarter running and VU men take all three - DMR, 4xMile & 4x800.
Women were great. But no 4x1500? Women need serious help for next year. Margey surprised and kept it close. Still, after 3 years, she has not realized that it is not smart to run four runners wide.
Muhammed tried, but it would be nice if VU recruited a real 400 man or two. Ironically, best high school talent were the Lyles brothers from TC Williams - 45+ legs.. They are juniors. Someone sitting near me said their mother had gone to VU. Don't know if that is true or not. Said dad had run for Seton Hall.
Note: For all of Stanford's superior recruiting, it is not reflected on the track.
Wonderful interviews with Siofra C-B and Eamonn. There is some excellent talent coming-up in Ireland. Maybe Eamonn will be instrumental in directing it to VU ...? Be nice.