Poll:Poll: Worst Internet Group

Most Annoying Internet Circlejerk?

  • Atheists

  • #BlackLivesMatter

  • Animal Rights Nuts / Vegans

  • Same Small Group

  • Antivaxers

  • Crossfitters

  • Bernie / Trump Supporters

  • Facebook photo overlays (French Flag / Rainbow Flag)

  • Instagram/Facebook Food Photographer

  • Suburban Moms in General / Other

Results are only viewable after voting.

HereComeTheCats All-American
Mar 27, 2009
One comment that places someone in one of these categories earns an immediate unfollow/mute/ignore.
One comment that places someone in one of these categories earns an immediateunfollow/mute/ignore.
Anyone that thinks hat mundane everyday bullshit is a big deal just because it's happening to them. So it's crossfitters, instagramers and mommies. Your workouts, meal plating and play dates are not noteworthy.
Not much can top the stay at home suburban moms posting pictures of their kids on FB having a toothache and talk about how rough life is, but the BLM movement makes it an awfully close 2 horse race. Call it a dead heat.
No love for the chemtrails lunatics? I was actually just going to start a thread about that but I think it fits nicely here.
I could do without the "SAHM" and "Momlife" hashtags. Yeah, life is real tough because your 2 year old threw his cheerios on the ground and you had to do 7 loads of laundry today. Some of us have to do that stuff and work 50 plus hours a week.
I could do without the "SAHM" and "Momlife" hashtags. Yeah, life is real tough because your 2 year old threw his cheerios on the ground and you had to do 7 loads of laundry today. Some of us have to do that stuff and work 50 plus hours a week.
They keep formula under lock and key at stores now because so many people were stealing it. That's desperation. Literally stealing to feed your daughter. Not spilled cherrios two days in a row.
SAHM's think they are so much better than everyone else. They look down on career-oriented women like they're lepers.

One SAHM explained to me that feminists ruined it for women everywhere. Most women were happy to be SAHM who were subservient and let the man work and run the world. Now there's all this pressure to go to college and have a career like a man and if you don't, you're somehow a failure.
I could do without the "SAHM" and "Momlife" hashtags. Yeah, life is real tough because your 2 year old threw his cheerios on the ground and you had to do 7 loads of laundry today. Some of us have to do that stuff and work 50 plus hours a week.

I could do without "hashtags" in general.
Antivaxxers. I have yet to hear one piece of their dribble that checks out. In my life time I haven't met a single person who had/s small pox or polio. It also represents a small portion of big pharma's sales, this isn't liptor, so i fail to understand their conspiracy theories about big pharma lining their pockets with flu vaccine money.

Tied for second teachers who complain about their jobs and vegans.

Quick joke, how can you tell someone's a vegan? They already told you.
"An open letter to the people who judged my kids when they were poorly behaved"..."an open letter to the mother who didn't invite my kid to the birthday party..."

it's not anything I did wrong as a just don't understand how difficult my life is...
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Quick joke, how can you tell someone's a vegan? They already told you.
I worked with a woman who is a vegan. The most shocking things about that were a) she went about 3 months before saying anything about it and b) after the cat was out of the bag, she didn't keep telling everyone every 5 minutes about her lifestyle choice.
"An open letter to the people who judged my kids when they were poorly behaved"..."an open letter to the mother who didn't invite my kid to the birthday party..."

it's not anything I did wrong as a just don't understand how difficult my life is...

The worst part of this nonsense is that most of these go viral now and make the news. Trump is right. This country really sucks balls.
I worked with a woman who is a vegan. The most shocking things about that were a) she went about 3 months before saying anything about it and b) after the cat was out of the bag, she didn't keep telling everyone every 5 minutes about her lifestyle choice.

was she hot

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