Poll: Would you take this offer?

Would you sign for the offer described below?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 26.3%
  • No

    Votes: 14 73.7%

  • Total voters

FreddyShoop Legend
Gold Member
Jul 18, 2001
Let's say, hypothetically, you were offered this deal:

You could keep your current job, with current salary, from now til age 65. You are granted tenure meaning you can never be laid off, your job never eliminated, etc. 100% job security from now til you're ready to retire.

But you will never receive a pay raise of any kind. You're locked into your current salary from now till retirement.
Depends on the benefits of the company, does my vacation days go up every 2-3 years? 401k matches, etc. Any type of additional retirement fund. If yes to these, I would probably say yes.
Let's say, hypothetically, you were offered this deal:

You could keep your current job, with current salary, from now til age 65. You are granted tenure meaning you can never be laid off, your job never eliminated, etc. 100% job security from now til you're ready to retire.

But you will never receive a pay raise of any kind. You're locked into your current salary from now till retirement.

I can't imagine anyone in their right mind saying YES to this.
If you made decent coin think of the security and ability to plan this certainty provides. In addition think of what this does for ply our peace of mind. I wake up at least one night per week at 3:30 over work stress. Part of what is so underrated about state jobs. Throw in a pension, sweet gig.
Depends on the benefits of the company, does my vacation days go up every 2-3 years? 401k matches, etc. Any type of additional retirement fund. If yes to these, I would probably say yes.

Nothing changes. You're locked in forever.
I would do this in a heartbeat. I can't be fired? Sign me up - I'd work about 10 hours a week and goof off the rest of the time.
Did somebody ask for me?

i'm with tomdudes ... for people younger than their late 40s this makes no sense ... if you are within 10 years of retirement this can make a lot of sense.
So if I can ever be fired or laid off then can I never show up, collect a paycheck and stay home? Or even better, get another job and get paid for both?
Absolutely not. But I only make about 70K and I'm in my 30s. Some of you are geezers and double comma guys. Different set of circumstances for you old foagies.
Same salary unadjusted for inflation? Would be insane to take that.
With the downside protection of knowing you have your current income until 65 you could be slightly more agressive with your retirement savings in your 40s and 50s. You'd probably need to do less than 1% better annually to offset the impact of inflation on your income assuming you have been saving at an appropriate rate. I'd take the deal. Of course I'm mid 40s so the analysis is diffent than if you are say 28.
Hotter chicks in the KOP too.

I'm taking the deal. Fck it.

Tenure would be so nice. Would love to tell my boss how much time is wasted filling out fcking forms for everything I need to do.