So Lyin' Teddy threatens to run a hate advertisement of TRUMO's wife posing naked, which I would think might actually gain him votes. So TRUMO tweets back that if Lyin' Teddy goes after Melania, then TRUMO will spill the beans on Lyin' Teddy's wife!! Hot Damn!! So then Lyin' Teddy calls TRUMO a coward and hash tags it as #classless....
Is this really what a presidential election campaign has come to? Tweeter wars about one candidate posting naked photos of another candidate's 30 year younger supermodel wife, and the other candidate threatening to spill the beans on candidate A's wife?
This is the best election ever!!!
(Note: I am still a Hillary supporter, but I want TRUMO to be around until November because this is awesome.)
Is this really what a presidential election campaign has come to? Tweeter wars about one candidate posting naked photos of another candidate's 30 year younger supermodel wife, and the other candidate threatening to spill the beans on candidate A's wife?
This is the best election ever!!!
(Note: I am still a Hillary supporter, but I want TRUMO to be around until November because this is awesome.)