@realDonaldTrump Twitter account?


All Team
May 25, 2005
is this real our next president's Twitter handle? It's a riot.

Lightweight Marco Rubio was working hard last night. The problem is, he is a choker, and once a choker, always a choker! Mr. Meltdown.

They don't like Rubio in Florida- he left them high & dry. Doesn't even show up for votes!

Lightweight choker Marco Rubio looks like a little boy on stage. Not presidential material!

Lying Ted Cruz and lightweight choker Marco Rubio teamed up last night in a last ditch effort to stop our great movement. They failed!

Why would the people of Florida vote for Marco Rubio when he defrauded them by agreeing to represent them as their Senator and then quit!

"@donell27743094: @realDonaldTrump trump won the debate. Disgusting Rubio said "peed" - is he still in junior high school."

FMR PRES of Mexico, Vicente Fox horribly used the F word when discussing the wall. He must apologize! If I did that there would be a uproar!

Early on Ted Cruz said that if he didn't win South Carolina, it's over. He didn't win- and lost to me in a landslide!
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My favorite Twitter account. Each tweet is pure gold!!!
Who cares about them.

I think it's relevant because so much of Trump's schtick is that the world is laughing at us because Obama is weak when in reality they're laughing at us because our possible next President was once involved in Wrestlemania