What does this have to do with lifting a group?
People are complaining that black kids are in detention too much. I suspect that is a result of behavior, not racism. Why should kids who don't meet the standards for the gifted program be put into it?
The families complaining about their kids in the 3rd track and special ed. should be happy the school is attending to their needs. let's be real, some kids belong in low tracks. When I was in high school they had 1st through 4th tracks. It would be idiotic to have kids with 4th track aptitude in classes with first track kids. Some people just like to complain and blame other people for all of there disappointments. If they got rid of the 3rd track, I suspect that these same parents would be complaining when their kids had to struggle at bottom of the 2nd track classes. They aren't in 3rd track because of their race. They are in 3rd track because of their academic performance.