Stanford & Recruiting


Diaper Dandy
Apr 11, 2010
Stanford is a womderful school - excellent academics. Climate is great; not far from SF (great city); nice neighborhood - Palo Alto; fine athletic program; president of school is a VU grad. But what is even more impressive is their recruiting in track. Kids will pay to go to Stanford instead of accepting $ from VU. Now that is good. Check their roster and see the names of former HS track & field stars. Okay, some didn't quite workout, but they still come. And it is not Lananna now. He is busy working his magic in Oregon. See the size of Stanford's team. Impressive. I bring this all up now because of a recent "discovery." Check who is a freshman sprinter on the team - Steve Solomon (AUS). Do the research (Google works fine). Wow! Think your DMR can compete?

VU recruits in Australia. Blincoe represents VU; Gibney just graduated; Nic Bideau (Sonia O'Sullivan's husband) is a major coach in Australia. Did VU not try to recruit Solomon?

Solomon's father is a doctor. Had to know the kid would pursue education and possible medical degree. Think of Mary Cain the same way.

Rich just seem to get richer. VU has to try harder and be more creative.

Maybe this is the beginning of the West coast schools tapping into Australia and New Zealand. They are a lot closer than the East coast schools.

But Steve Solomon ... Wow.

Just some thoughts ...
This post was edited on 3/20 8:50 AM by sebastianc
Solomon didn't run at all indoors. Don't know what that means, but it's worth noting.

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