Stop. Resisting. Arrest. And. Threatening. Cops.

Villanova U

All Team
Sep 22, 2014
So this video is lurking around the internet today.

Why is this so hard? Stop resisting arrest. When a cop tells you to do something, do it. When a cop is trying to subdue your friend who is resisting arrest, don't walk up to the cop and push him in the back.

Yeah, the cop is acting like a douche and probably shouldn't have rung the first kid's neck. But after that, it's all on these kids.

On another note, the sand-kicking in the middle of the video made me chuckle. That would totally have been my move if I were in the crowd.
Ive been nailed on resisting arrest. Dont see much wrong with it, especially if you feel its unjust.

I get it, there are rules. But resistance shouldnt be an invitation for cops to start shooting.
Originally posted by Mr. Wade Garrett:
Ive been nailed on resisting arrest. Dont see much wrong with it, especially if you feel its unjust.

I get it, there are rules. But resistance shouldnt be an invitation for cops to start shooting.
So you're allowed to just not listen to cops because you think what they are doing is unjust?

That's the big problem here. It doesn't matter if it's unjust. If you get pulled over for speeding when you were going the speed limit, you take your ticket and you fight it in court. You don't peel away and start a high speed chase over it. The cop is there to diffuse the situation, get any potentially dangerous people under control, and use his judgment to determine how to proceed. The courts are for determining if a detainment is just or not.

People seem to view cops as judge, jury, and executioner in these things. Because someone was committing a crime that "wasn't that bad" and then resisting what they felt an unjust arrest, their behavior is not justified.

Also, looking at these drunk frat bros on the beach makes me very happy that I never paid thousands of dollars in college to go to one of these spring break hellholes.
If you're a cop and you've been assigned afternoon beach patrol, your "career" has likely gone off the rails.
Originally posted by RSTRICK30:
If you're a cop and you've been assigned afternoon beach patrol, your "career" has likely gone off the rails.
No way - that's probably the assignment that you'd kill for. Throw on your aviators, check out the sights. Maybe once a week you have to tell ask some people to put their beers in a container. Every now and then you have to ride your ATV over and break up some bros fighting. So much better than kicking down doors of Daytona biker meth labs.
here's another one of an attack on a state trooper. good thing the trooper got help, or else she'd have had to just take the beating and deal with it.

attack on state trooper
That silly fourth amendment and the unlawful seizure language....

Let cops do what they want, right?
Agree with the original post.

My tendency is to cooperate with the police, given that I'm not particularly interested in being on the receiving end of a beatdown.

Choose wisely grasshopper.
If you get pulled over and get a ticket, you fight it in court. But If some tough guy cop and his buddies throw you up against a wall, cuff you, and toss you to the ground without being able to put your hands in front of you, then f-ck them.

Being arrested and cuffed is much more often a physical assault by a police officer than times it is not. My point is, in those cases, "resisting arrest" is often a misnomer. People have right to defend themselves.
I see zero upside to resisting. If something is unjust, just hope someone has a phone on the incident. Resisting makes you look guilty, escalates the situation, or results in you doing something stupid that makes you guilty of something. If someone can tell me a positive result of resisting, I'm all ears.
Originally posted by NorCalVU10:

I see zero upside to resisting. If something is unjust, just hope someone has a phone on the incident. Resisting makes you look guilty, escalates the situation, or results in you doing something stupid that makes you guilty of something. If someone can tell me a positive result of resisting, I'm all ears.
This. Screaming "GET YOUR F-CKING HANDS OFF ME" and throwing wild haymakers usually doesn't end well.
Originally posted by AvalonFal:

That cop was one big dude....and there's nothing like a scrawny white frat boy beach fight.
Kudos to the cop, those white trash kids looked like they would fit in nicely with our friends at Mt. Olive College.

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