TEMPLE TUFF: Junior Galette edition

well, a former player. Now on the Saints. Think he got booted from the team I think his junior year?
And bmoney-agree on that. Not sure how this was buried for two years. Word is the saints and nfl both had the footage for a while.
He was actually thrown out of Temple.

Al Golden has much higher standards for player conduct than Fran Dunphy, who willfully tolerates sexual misconduct by "knuckleheads"
He was actually thrown out of Temple.

Al Golden has much higher standards for player conduct than Fran Dunphy, who willfully tolerates sexual misconduct by "knuckleheads"

Did you like Ball's nuts before or after writing that? Man, what a Ball rip-off.
love the all white outfit with the white sun glasses. looked like a nice group. i wonder where they had dinner after.
Biggest travesty in all this is that it was 2013 and he was filming portrait. People will never figure this out... ever.

Seriously though, he was booted off the team for similar loser behaivor, including facilitating thefts by a cousin. Kids a loser, through and through.
hard to tell who is fighting who, a few folks were trying to break it up, but that kept re-starting.