Has anyone noticed that this word has crawled into our lexicon over the past year or so...to the point where it is used in virtually every conversation I hear on TV, radio, or podcast. Every single day I hear that word used now and I don't recall ever hearing it once the past 30 years.
It's like 1 person used it publicly, another person picked it up and re-used it to impress someone else..,and it took off like wildfire. Everyone keeps lifting it and trying to pass it off like it's been part of their vocabulary for years.
Everything's got have a narrative now...can't just have a storyline. Gotta have a narrative.
ESPN is the worst. Watch or listen to ESPN for a day. You'll hear the word "narrative" used repeatedly.
It's like 1 person used it publicly, another person picked it up and re-used it to impress someone else..,and it took off like wildfire. Everyone keeps lifting it and trying to pass it off like it's been part of their vocabulary for years.
Everything's got have a narrative now...can't just have a storyline. Gotta have a narrative.
ESPN is the worst. Watch or listen to ESPN for a day. You'll hear the word "narrative" used repeatedly.