This Really Sucks!

"Police say it appears the vandals deliberately singled out the team’s vehicles, not damaging any others in nearby university lots or neighborhoods. But for now the motive remains a mystery."

I hope that ball has an airtight alibi.
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The team wasn't singled out. They just parked in the very secluded lots around the football stadium.
So, you're saying the police who said the FB players' cars were singled out are just making that up?
So, you're saying the police who said the FB players' cars were singled out are just making that up?
Yes. They weren't targeting football players. They were targeting cars that were in a secluded area, like that lot way down at the end of the stadium near the football offices far away from any other lots, public safety, etc. You probably haven't been to campus since before cars were invented, though.