trader joe's remembered

tkuder007 Addict
Gold Member
Sep 5, 2005
closing up shop. margin pressures. whole foods. online vendors. etc

i wont miss the facebook messages from my poor hs acquaintances talking about their 2 buck chuck and the bachelor/real housewives evenings
You're right. Just found that out.

That's weak, I even checked my calendar before running with what I heard. How do you run an April fools joke early?
I was gonna say. No way that is true. 40 year old suburban moms arent letting that place go out of business.
I shop there. Spend like $60-65 a week for myself and eat like a king. Would be a nightmare if it shut down.
Trader joes has an interesting business model. Some of their stuff is really pricey, but some of their stuff is a really good deal. Gr8 Tortilla chips, gr8 taquitos.
I think the meat is pretty fairly priced. I usually get chicken thigh for 4.99lb. The big chunks of meat (roasts, etc..) are a bit expensive $20-$30. Only frozens I buy are vegetables. Buying anything in a box in a frozen section is dicey.