if I was the Czar of College Basketball here is how I would run my Tournament to decide the ultimate champion.
I also realize that this is virtually impossible in todays world but in my dream here is how I would do it---or at least something very close to it.
First of all, I would include only the champions of each league------the winner of the regular season title over the course of however many games. There would be no post season conference tournaments because in my mind the TRUE champion and the BEST teams would be determined by the overall body of work all year going head to head-- home and away-- rather than losing or winning a couple of unpredictable games in a one and done post season tournament. So that would give me something like 34 or 35 teams, not sure about the number. In those larger conferences where they have more teams and 2 divisions, I would allow those teams to have a one game playoff to determine the overall league champion, which to me seems both fair and logical, which they already do. In addition to those teams, I would select an additional 10 or 12 teams by whatever method is fair and reasonable------using the polls, the RPI/ SOS numbers, or some combination of that----and/or forming a special committee to determine who those teams should be. This way it allows a few teams from some of the stronger conferences to also be included (as they should) to fill out the field, which would keep many more schools and fan bases involved, rather than just including the conference champions. You would then seed all the teams appropriately by committee, maybe even giving some teams a bye in round one-------it would involve some tweaking in that regard. Maybe you could call it "Wild Card Sunday" when filling out the field!!
If that were to happen it would reward all the teams who earned the right to be called the best in their conference by winning the most games in head to head competition during the year----which to me is the best way to determine who the best team really is. Hockey, Basketball, and Baseball dont have one and done playoffs, not only because of the money making aspect of it, which is HUGE and the MAIN reason obviously, but also because they all realize that playing a full season of games (as many as 162 in baseball) and boiling it all down to a one and done game would be ridiculous and totally unfair to the team that won say 105 games!! IMO a five or seven game series will usually (but not always) find the best team winning but on the other hand, a one game series, which is in effect what you have in college basketball, will much more often find the better team losing due to the "unpredictability" of any one game, not only your teams performance but the opponents performance that day as well!! Again, in my mind, the larger the sample size you have in order to make any decision, the more likely you are to get the best and most accurate result-------I think thats a genuinely well accepted thought process. Football is obviously a totally different animal due to the small number of games and the brutal physicality of it-------so one and done absolutely makes sense in that sport.
So in the end you basically have a collegiate tournament of champions (regular season champions) and an additional small number of well-deserving "Wild Card" teams to complete the field. It obviously would result in a shorter, more condensed tournament with fewer overall games but IMO it would be no less exciting and no less enjoyable than what we have now------and for me a better overall representation of the best teams in the country!!
Of course I understand the "enormous" economic aspect of it, which IMO is one of the main problems, and the money is just so HUGE that it drives everything today------so I know my dream will NEVER happen----and maybe it shouldnt for reasons that I may not have thought about or considered. So for me, I would eliminate all the post season conference tournaments, which for me would avoid having the best team during the "entire year" being knocked out and unable to represent their conference as they should, just because they had one bad shooting night at the worst possible time!
So again if we could ever take the TV money, the ratings, apparel sales, and all the other financial aspects out of play (pie in the sky I know) and just try to simply find the best team in the country at the end of the day-----which to me are the teams that proved their worth by winning their conferences during the course of the entire year plus the "Wild Cards" as I described------I think thats probably how I would do it!!
But with all that said, I'm "quite certain" there are many other points of view about it----as well as a few other possible problems/issues with my idea-------- thats fair and I get it!!
Just remember though that this was MY crazy dream, and nobody else's, so no matter how unrealistic, delusional or stupid it appears to be, or actually is, its still MINE and only MINE-----and to that I think I'm entitled!!
Oops------I just woke up-------man that was one crazy dream, where the hell am I?
Go Cats!!!