Five Best Title Games of the 64 Game Era

Ted Keith over at Sports Illustrated gives a thumbnail narrative of those five games here (link also below). Interesting though I am not sure he realized it -- each features at least one Big East team.

Hopefully the UNC crowd won't see the article, they might think it is a conspiracy and petition to have it rewritten...with a different ending.

Final Play - Ringtones

I've created an audio file from the TBS Broadcast, the International Broadcast and Fannon's final call and turned each into a ringtone for myself. If you want a copy of the files, I've linked them below:

If you have an iPhone, I've added instructions below for how to turn these files into ringtones. If you have an android, you should be able to just copy any of the files to your phone and set it as your ringtone.

On an optimistic note...

...what programs are more poised for success than Villanova over the next ten years?

K, Boeheim, Roy, and Pitino are all set to retire any day now.

The Big East has proven itself as good as any other league with winning records against every conference of note. Every home and league game is on national TV.

We've got at least four contributors (and likely 6) out of eight on a national championship squad coming back, and a top recruiting class coming in.

Michigan State has a great thing going. So does Arizona, and certainly one of the bluebloods I mentioned above will find a suitable successor, but honestly who is as well-positioned over the next decade as we are?

11 changes that led to our...

...National Championship, imho...most from mid-season on...

1. Jenkins development
2. Reynolds development when Danny went down
3. Booth finally finding his groove
4. Jay deciding to develop a zone this year
5. Jay taking his x and o's to a new level
6. Mikal coming on as a force
7. Arch and Danny elevating their game to new levels and leading
8. Jay changing the way he handled business at the Final Four
9. D to a new level
10. Shooting finally meeting/exceeding the norm
11. A relatively healthy Danny giving us 32 minutes in the championship game

Nova Gear???

A few days ago someone posted two places where we could order Nova National Championship gear online at discounted prices-----but with the large volume of posts these past 4 days I cant seem to find it.
Can someone please re-post that info for me and others who might be interested? Thx.
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Funny Story from UNC Perspective

A guy calls in to my office today and asks for me. He says it's Seth Greenberg. I pick up the phone and, of course it's not Seth Greenberg, it's my former roommate from Roanoke, VA (spent a year down there on business shortly after college). He proceeds to congratulate me on the great victory because he knew how much Villanova basketball meant to me and my family and he knew that I had to be in Houston (which I was).

His middle daughter is on the track and field team at UNC so, he and his wife decided to drive down to Chapel Hill to watch the national championship game with their daughter and her friends. He said that the main drag down there is Franklin Street and every bar was packed. Since UNC has won a few national championships, they prepared for the inevitable win over Villanova. They removed every street sign and set up security and paramedics on every corner. They then came in at halftime with fire trucks and hosed down all the buildings, sidewalks, etc. with water in case the dumb asses set fire to the place.

My friend and his wife got a great seat with their daughter and all her friends and he said that the students literally went nuts on every possession. He said that when Marcus Paige hit the 3, the building almost disintegrated. I asked him, so what happened when Jenkins hit the game-winning 3? He said that the students literally all fell on the ground in the bar and started crying. He turned to his wife and said, we better leave and let them have this moment to themselves. Too funny.

BTW, my buddy is actually friends with Seth Greenberg as his oldest daughter played volleyball with Seth's daughter. I don't know if this was mentioned on here before but, Seth Greenberg's daughter is a student at Villanova and a member of our volleyball team.
