Rivals is launching a new "read-only forum access" feature that will allow subscribers to add the ability to read forums of other sites within the network to their subscriptions. This is a feature that will be developing and expanding as time goes on, but for now is limited to forums of sites deemed "rivals" of the subscriber's team subscription and will be priced as a $2 add-on to monthly subs and a $20 add-on to annual subs. Again, the functionality of this feature as well as pricing/options will evolve as time goes on, for now Rivals is simply gauging interest and listening to feedback from subscribers. For instance, there are already plans in the works to expand the availability across the whole network rather than limiting it to a team's "rival." Other options being considered are an all-inclusive VIP package that would allow network-wide access or the ability to "bundle" a certain number of boards, and, in my opinion more interestingly, an option for a one-off flat fee to gain access for X number of days or weeks. For our purposes here at Nova, I think that latter option would be ideal, as you could gain access to another team's board ahead of a big game without incurring the regular fee. This option is also attractive after a big win in order to see the reaction from the other team's fans. Again, this is in it's early stages and we'll be ironing out details, taking feedback, and updating to make the feature as good as possible.
You should be able to find access to these add-ons in your user profile, and I will post an update when decisions are made on the fine-tuning I discussed above. Any initial thoughts from anyone would be welcome and I'd be happy to pass those along up the chain so we can make this feature as useful and enjoyable as possible.