After what has come out this week about Okafor and his multiple "off the court issues", I now have to think that, as adp has said repeatedly, there is/was certainly some merit to having a few vets on the team to help with a very young roster, on the court some but at this stage I think mostly off the court, and especially with a Sixers roster that is the youngest in the history of the sport!!
I can now see the value of having an "old head" or two on the roster "early on" in the plan, to answer any questions and guide the young guys thru the grind of their first few NBA seasons, and all the problems and issues that might come with it. They didnt necessarily have to be players who were in the regular rotation, but I think they did and still do need to be "good people" who are carefully selected by management------veteran players who the young guys know they can go to with any questions, problems or concerns and get a good informed answer from somebody who's been thru it all. It seems like Okafor could really use somebody like that and it sounds like he would welcome it, based on one or two of the few comments he's made about these issues-----and others like Embiid and Noel could also certainly benefit from it, as well as the other kids on the roster.
In hindsight, that probably should have been part of the "original plan", realizing how young this team was going to be moving forward, so right now for me that part of it certainly appears to be a mistake by Hinkie, although I still fully believe that the basic premise of the "Hinkie Plan" was then and still now is the correct one!!
I think they can and probably should find someone to bring in right now to help out these kids for the rest of this year------I think its important. Then after this next draft, they can then begin adding a few "quality free agents" who still have lots of game left to fill any roster holes as they officially start and continue the ongoing process of "winning more games" each and every year, which hopefully will someday result in an NBA championship-----that is my hope!