New Pennyslvania Polling

President Obama with a 9-point edge as of this past Tuesday, but the one section of the polling that I found particularly interesting/curious was this:

Statewide, just 12% of respondents gave the current state of the US economy an "A" or "B". In the five-county area around Philadelphia, just 8% did so.

However, when asked what grade they would give their own current personal financial situation, 51% statewide responded "A" or "B" and 52% in the five-country area answered "A" or "B".

Americans are a Bunch of Wannabe Socialists

In fact, when we did this experiment another way and we showed people two distributions of wealth, one based on the wealth distribution in the US and the other based on the wealth distribution that is more equal than Sweden, 92% of Americans picked the improved Swedish distribution.

So this suggests to me that when people take a step away from their own position and their own current state, and when people look at society in general terms, in abstract terms, Americans want a much more equal society.

There is one more interesting thing to this: 93% of Democrats picked the improved Swedish model, compared with 90.5% of Republicans. Different, but not very different.

This Country Makes Me Sick

MI, OH, IN - 2012 elect math ??

I was today where Romney had to defend himself in an interview with the Detroit Free Press over a NYT edit. he wrote in 2008 where he said the Gov't bailout of car mfg.ers was a big mistake and they should have gone through the traditional bankruptcy process instead of a bailout. Romney tried to cover himself to DFP by stating that Obama did exactly what he suggested which was a "managed bankruptcy".

These leads me to a thought. Obviously, there are a lot of people in MI, northern OH, and northern IN who approve of the bailout since the auto industry and spillover businesses related to it employ tens of thousands in that area.

Can a person, most likely a Republican, who vehemently opposed the bailout, which just about all did, still win these 3 swing states???? I think they can, but it is being made tougher by the resurgence of the US auto industry and the jobs that it is starting to bring back.

Seems to me that they can, but it will be a bit difficult. Can a republican win the white house w/out winning OH, IN, and MI????
