Ashley Ads


Post 'Til Your Fingers Bleed
Gold Member
Feb 25, 2005
Put Stern on and just heard their ads. For those of you not familiar with the site (unlikely on this forum) and their ads, from what I gather it's a service that provides discrete hook up services. My guess is no money is "exchanged" so that gets around prostitution issues. To the point, the ads are a married couple where the husband finds his wife's profile via Facebook or something. She then tells him how she loves him but needs passion and an open marriage. She loves him but neeeds meaningless sex. She convinces him he needs the same and this is how to make their marriage better.

I was floored. This is where we are as a society? Obviously the answer is yes and they are paying good money to advertise in this manner. Question: is this just another sign our society has gone to complete heck? Am I sounding like a Republican fuddy-duddy and this is the new normal? Is this an affront to soceity and truly disgusting (my view)? Is this brilliant advertising? How does Comcase get the awesome Rob Lowe ads pulled and this remains? Please enlighten me as very little surprises me...I'm a lobbyist for crying ouit loud. This was utterly tasteless. Note, the irony of saying anything said or advertised during Howard Stern is tasteless was not lost on me.
the song is catchy as hell. find myself singing it around the office. guess it's better than singing about Robin's anus.
We need JoePaturnedaBlindEye to weigh in on this. Bet he's a charter member.
Yawn. Putting age old services and ideas on the Internet is not exactly the death knell of society. The practice of open marriage is ridiculous to most of us, but so is inking or piercing yourself head to toe, going Bruce Jenner, or getting waitress service at a baseball game. It's nothing that hasn't been going on forever, and providing easy access to it doesn't mean it's an epidemic. People are crazy, unhappy or just assholes in their marriages. That's not a new fad, it doesnt affect me nor is it my business.

On the bright side, you can now go to a bar or out to eat and not smell like a pack of dead Marlboros for two days, there is no long a huge need for bike messengers, and babies now have their own safety seats when they are in automobiles. We're making progress in other areas.
Dmil, you missed the point. What's new is advertising said services on a national radio platform. The stuff always existed but has gone mainstream. They are freaking IPO'ing. This is new.
Dmil, you missed the point. What's new is advertising said services on a national radio platform. The stuff always existed but has gone mainstream. They are freaking IPO'ing. This is new.

I didn't miss the point at all because I am living in 2015. As a kid our parents thought weed would end us - now it's readily available and growing industry. PS - they also have ads on TV. It's called consenting adults and a free market.
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cougar life . com has a hard core porn star (Julia Ann) as their spokes person. what does that say about that company.
adp, these ads have been around a long time. I've had Sirius since 2005, and it was not long after that when they started airing. I know it isn't one, but it almost feels like a BB2N is in order.
I don't listen to Stern much and had not heard these ads. Since they have been around 10 years and I just found them the conclusion is that 'm just a fuddy-duddy. I'm good with that outcome. Question answered.
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adp, these ads have been around a long time. I've had Sirius since 2005, and it was not long after that when they started airing. I know it isn't one, but it almost feels like a BB2N is in order.
Perhaps a POLL: POLL will settle the matter once and for all.
I've seen their billboards in the CoP along 95 and near the Walt Whitman Bridge for at least 2-3 years.

Where you stand on this issue ultimately depends on if you think THE WORLD IS SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL or not.
I've seen their billboards in the CoP along 95 and near the Walt Whitman Bridge for at least 2-3 years.

Where you stand on this issue ultimately depends on if you think THE WORLD IS SPIRALING OUT OF CONTROL or not.

Speaking of that - i read we whacked yet another high ranking ISIS leader today. Are they still a thing since they seemed to have run out of (white) hostages?
Things like this used to go through newspapers classifieds/magazine back page ads, now just online like everything else - cue the song Escape (Pina Colada).

Speaking of that - i read we whacked yet another high ranking ISIS leader today. Are they still a thing since they seemed to have run out of (white) hostages?
They make a great enemy. Impossible to define, strong imagery, intimidating acronym, operating in a loosely defined area. JUST GIVE THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE A BLANK CHECK ALREADY!!!
They make a great enemy. Impossible to define, strong imagery, intimidating acronym, operating in a loosely defined area. JUST GIVE THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE A BLANK CHECK ALREADY!!!

And they are literally flying the black flag. Like made for TV. Speaking of defense department blank checks, how about the F-35? Hearing we're well over 1.5 TRILLION into it and it's still a PoS with no end in sight. And yet everyone seems to be still behind it. #friendsinhighplaces.
Defense department is one helluva jobs program/boondoggle.
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At least when they're building awesome planes, they're (in theory) developing new technologies.
Better than just dumping cash towards:
- pushing troops into a meat grinder
- bribing foreign officals / fake nation building funding
- fake contracts with US "security firms"

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