Better Call Saul

nardibynature123 All-American
May 5, 2014
Getting pretty good reviews, it will not be as good as Breaking Bad, but will probably be better than most of the slop on tv now.
Looking forward to it. Finally got around to finishing Breaking Bad last week so its good timing. I founds saul's development to be among the most interesting on the show.
I'm looking forward to the little Breaking Bad nuggets they're going to insert into the show. It will be a TV bloggers dream.
Originally posted by HereComeTheCats:
I'm looking forward to the little Breaking Bad nuggets they're going to insert into the show. It will be a TV bloggers wet dream.
Originally posted by PeterN:
Two thumbs up in today's NYT.
I thought the first episode was great. A lot of good storylines being introduced right up front. The scene when they show the surveillance video of the three kids on trial for "Criminal Trespass" was hilarious. Saul/Jimmy's facial expressions were perfect.
Guessing it's a matter of time before they introduce Gus Fring to go along with Mike and Tuco.

This is basically Breaking Bad minus the Whites and Jessie.
Originally posted by HereComeTheCats:
I thought the first episode was great. A lot of good storylines being introduced right up front. The scene when they show the surveillance video of the three kids on trial for "Criminal Trespass" was hilarious. Saul/Jimmy's facial expressions were perfect.
I liked when he called his 3 clients "knuckleheads." Better call ball!