
does this even surprise anybody at this time? It's just a matter of time until more and more evidence gets leaked. Although this report focuses on distance athletes, I'm convinced that the sprinters (like Bolt and Powell and the U.S. guy recent back from doping suspension) are culprits also.
I remember there being a study that asked something along the lines of " Would you be willing to be infected with a life threatening disease if you were guaranteed a gold medal at the olympics" The majority answered yet
I think it was Freakanomics podcast that recently ripped the medical profession as more of a priesthood than scientific community. It criticized them for not really operating under the scientific method. Their learning is more based on "doing what the guy I trained under" did. And therefore they're often 20 years behind what "real science" actually knows and has proven.
I get it, the title is a double entendre. They are in the Special Olympics and they are cheating.
