
shall we reserve the "Oldmanyellsatcloud Remembered" thread?
Seeing all kinds of excerpts on twitter in regards to racially motivated incidents with the Ferguson police department - the problem is almost none of them reference sources. These social justice warriors need to be better than just conjecture if they want a "victory". I believe these things are true but people are so bad at backing up their stories.
These statistics, while sad, do not show that police are "targeting" blacks. I'd like to see where these arrests are happening, the crime levels of those areas relative to the rest of the town, and the racial makeup of those areas.

The fact that a court clerk was sending racist jokes means almost nothing. The Justice Department needs to demonstrate that race motivated these officers to make arrests/issue tickets beyond statistics that mean little in a vacuum and unsettling, but ultimately anecdotal stories, many of which involve people who had committed crimes.

Now as for the going after the police for trying to generate revenue by issuing tickets and citations, when are they going to investigate Radnor, who once sent me (an upper middle class white male) a bill for a police car that showed up when I got in a minor fender bender?
I once got a ticket in Radnor for WALKING while intoxicated - even though I was nowhere near intoxicated. Had one beer after work and was walking home. I was also only 20 so had to go to alcohol counseling meetings all the way in effin Media. I was on the side walk, on Lancaster (not near any homes) and by myself.
Worst Ferguson story I saw was about a woman who called the police to report domestic violence. The man had left. The woman told the cops that he was staying in the room with her, instead of filing her charges, they arrested HER for violating an occupancy permit.

Now, you can say "don't break the law". If that's your first reaction to this I think you're being a little unreasonable. 1st, people sublet all the time and it doesn't hurt ANYONE. 2nd, give her a fine - sure - but arrest someone for that? Ridiculous, 3rd, this is clearly a law created to target the poor who are more likely to need to switch residences often or consolidate space,

It just seems like Ferguson will do anything it can to leech money out of their poorer residents - keeping them poor and continuing the cycle of a rough upbringing.
Radnor does the same thing for Villanova students who violate their stupid ordinance. These sound like normal, over-zealous suburban police officers.
Originally posted by Ninetynine5.0:
I once got a ticket in Radnor for WALKING while intoxicated - even though I was nowhere near intoxicated. Had one beer after work and was walking home. I was also only 20 so had to go to alcohol counseling meetings all the way in effin Media. I was on the side walk, on Lancaster (not near any homes) and by myself.
I wonder what would have happened if you had screamed "DON'T F-CKING TOUCH ME!!" to the responding officer and refused to cooperate?
As the President said this morning: "racism of Ferguson police department is not isolated". It's clear that Radnor cops target rich white kids. Unfortunately as out-going AG Holder said, "it's hard to bring charges vs. the police".
Originally posted by TheFoyeEffect:
Radnor does the same thing for Villanova students who violate their stupid ordinance. These sound like normal, over-zealous suburban police officers.
Agreed. When the target is poor it's a lot harder for them to recover than if the target is rich. We often not only know people who can help us reduce charges, but also grow up with an inherent trust of police officers which helps in initial negotiation with the cop (often we are of the same race/social status - this is a key indicator for the likelihood of any relationship - friend, partner, guy who doesn't arrest you, etc.)

Still though, to answer novacatt, there are plenty of drunk Nova bros who act out and flail their limbs when arrested. My friend hit a cop in the chest in Pike parking lot while intoxicated his freshman year. He is now at American U studying law. He would have been Mike Brown'd in all honesty. One of the nicer people I know, too - would deserve death in many Americans' eyes according to the Mike Brown situation.
Originally posted by SnottieDrippen:

Originally posted by TheFoyeEffect:
Radnor does the same thing for Villanova students who violate their stupid ordinance. These sound like normal, over-zealous suburban police officers.
Agreed. When the target is poor it's a lot harder for them to recover than if the target is rich. We often not only know people who can help us reduce charges, but also grow up with an inherent trust of police officers which helps in initial negotiation with the cop (often we are of the same race/social status - this is a key indicator for the likelihood of any relationship - friend, partner, guy who doesn't arrest you, etc.)

Still though, to answer novacatt, there are plenty of drunk Nova bros who act out and flail their limbs when arrested. My friend hit a cop in the chest in Pike parking lot while intoxicated his freshman year. He is now at American U studying law. He would have been Mike Brown'd in all honesty. One of the nicer people I know, too - would deserve death in many Americans' eyes according to the Mike Brown situation.
That's cautionary tale. I agree that people sometimes do ill advised things, especially when drinking.

Not suggesting that anyone "deserves to die" for assaulting a cop, but if you choose to do engage in that type of behavior, the probability of that happening increases dramatically (or at the very least, the chances of receiving a beatdown are rather high)
Agree 100% - no one should be violent towards anyone let alone a cop! Just idiotic. The methods with which police respond to it could be more reflective of the overwhelmingly peaceful nature of our citizens. And I didn't mean to sound like I was putting words in your mouth, sorry.
It's also rather troubling that the media is accepting the conclusions DOJ's report at face value. First of all, the job of a free press is to challenge the powers at be rather than serve as their parrots and second, the Department of Justice and the White House had a clear political motive for such an outcome, especially after it was found that the officer was justified and his actions didn't even meet the lowest evidentiary burden as far as their criminality was concerned, despite two separate investigations.

Do I think that the practices of that police department were moral? Absolutely not, but I'm less than convinced that they were racially motivated. I note how there were no anecdotal reports of white people committing the same infractions and receiving lesser punishments.

Batson v. Kentucky has a pretty solid test to prove racial discrimination. Not only must there be a prima facie showing of discrimination in jury selection, but that there Is no race-neutral explanation for said discrimination. In the case of Batson, that means a white juror was empaneled despite expressing similar opinions to the black juror, but in this case, it would mean that a white person gets more lenient punishment for the same actions as a black person.
last night the one cop took a bullet to his head and lived. incredible. why do these people live in america if they hate it so much? move to another country.
Michael Browns mamma keeping it classy on Facebook yesterday:

“If my FAM woulda got JUSTICE in August maybe those two cops wouldn’t have got shot LAST NIGHT…â€￾

“F*** THEM 2 COPS..DON’T GOT NO SYMPATHY FOR THEM OR THEY FAMILIES…Aint no FUN when the Rabbit got the GUN.â€￾
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by novabball2:
last night the one cop took a bullet to his head and lived. incredible. why do these people live in america if they hate it so much? move to another country.
Are you talking about white americans who hate living in a country with black people (who were mostly brought by white people unwillingly)? Or black americans who hate living in a country where they are overwhelmingly targeted by police?

Either way, the actions surrounding this event should result in the shooter being executed. He is just as much, if not more, of a cause of the racial problem in the US as Darren Wilson is. Brown's mom not doing any help in terms of progress either.
Apparently the person who posted the things on Facebook was Brown's uncle, not his mother.

Leslie McSpadden is his uncle

LesLEY McSpadden is his mother

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