Check out this funny vid from our friends at ESPN - first Jeff Goodman has #3 Oklahoma v. #4 Louisville coming out of the East and Wisky taking down Kentucky and then beating the Zags in champs game; then our buddy Eammon Brennan, who has been showing the love picks VU to win the East and beat the Zags in the FF and then . . . lose by 20-25 in the NC game to KY. The editorial comments re: that NC match-up were (1) Brennan - its one of those matchups you don't see coming but then don't want to see and (2) Goodman - chimes in loudly "that's not a NC game I want to see", then (3) Brennan chimes back in "if VU won that game it would be bigger than beating GT in 1985." So apparently these 2 chuckleheads think VU doesn't even belong in the building with Kentucky!