Grantland is a perfect example of too much of a good thing. When Simmons first got to ESPN, I thought much of his writing was excellent. I remember he wrote a lenghty column titled "The Atrocious GM Summit" where he mocked all the horrible decisions NBA GM's made with their teams but formulated it as if they had all gotton together to celebrate their incompetance. It was funny, well-researched, and accurate. Brilliant sports writing.
The bigger you get, the more pressure there is to sustain. But you often can't produce the same quality with increased frequency. Greatness doesn't just come shooting out your ass.
I haven't read a single thing Simmons has written in > 5 years. I can't take him anymore. He may have an encyclopedic memory of games he attended as a kid, but so what? We all do. He is a novice when it comes to sports. The guy is like 45 and he's still making snarky, Tina Fey-esque fart jokes on Twitter. For basketball insight, I'd rather read or listen to Brendan Brown (Hubie's son & Knicks radio guy), Brian Windhorst (covers the Cavs) or Zach Lowe.
Simmons is insufferable....but he thinks he's witty and funny and there's nothing worse than someone who made it big, got rich, and now thinks he has the Midas touch. His audiance is the bottom of the barrel (eg, college kids who think they're cooler than they really are).
Right around the time Grantland launched, Amy Winehouse died. I knew very little about other than a) she was a singer from some non-US country, b) she was fuggly, and c) she seemed be a desperate attention seeker with her wild & crazy antics. But almost immediatley, Grantland had a headline up that was titled something like "The Importance of Amy Winehouse's Death" or "Why Amy Winehouse's Death Should Matter to You."
Like a fool, I clicked on it because I assumed (incorrectly as it turned out) that I was missing something about this person. Maybe there was a backstory about her life, her music, etc. So I scrolled throught his endless, 8,000 word essay waiting to find out what her importance was. Nothing. The entire piece was froth.
I got the impression the Grantland offices are full of these millennials who have been self-appointed tas the world's foremost authority on ANYTHING happening in sports or culture. So they just launched, someone who is semi-famous dies young, it's their obligation to "find an angle" and write 8,000 words on it.
Quick! What should we say about Amy Winehouse?!?! We're Grantland!! This is our thing!! Just throw something up on the board and see what sticks!!
There was no story there. Sad? Yes, of course. But Amy Winehouse was a 1-hit wonder addicted to drugs. End of story. There was no importance to her death, at least not for me. 20 addicts probably died in West Baltimore alone in the time it took GL to finish that piece. I never went back to GL after they wasted my time with "the importance" of Amy Winehouse.
Grantland was gluttonous. Irrelevant. Unnecessary. And from what I understand, a tremendous cost center for ESPN. Good riddance.
And the short-lived Grantland Basketball Hour was an embarrassment for the network. Simmons actually had the nerve to whine about it being on Thursday nights in Primetime and not getting enough promotion. This guy was one lucky break away from being a career bartender/valet parker living in a 1 BR apartment in Quincy.