Lawrence Philips Remembered

Funny, I thought he was dead already as well... On a related note, Aaron Hernandez (unlike Mr. Phillips) was built for jail and will last a very long time. Guy is finally home...
One less person collecting free entitlement hand out housing and 3 entitlement meals a day.
-Old people living on govt assistance
Haha I always get a chuckle of things like this. My uncle at Christmas was going on to anyone that would listen about how Obama was going to declare martial law because of the Syrian refugee crisis and under martial law there are no elections which would allow him to keep serving as President. In the same breath he complains about entitlements he also curses Obama for lowering his social security payments.
"He lived by the golden rule."
Is this the cheek Dick Vermeil tried to rehabilitate and cried over? Hope he feels like a royal shithead today.