Lyin' Teddy Cruz "Major Announcement"?


'Nova Nation Sensation
Oct 9, 2009
has to be dropping out, right?

What else could a now mathematically eliminated candidate be announcing?
Carly for VP. Pander to the women.


No way he's dropping out with the chance of stealing the nomination in an open convention. Man, I'm going to have plenty of popcorn ready for this.
Desperate move. Lyin Ted is done. Trumo is about to make America great again.
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My favorite Trumo-started nickname is now John "1-for-46" Kasich, ha ha ha.....

Trumo is nuts. Loved when he said that Crooked Hilart would only have 5% of the vote if she wasn't a woman.
My favorite Trumo-started nickname is now John "1-for-46" Kasich, ha ha ha.....

Trumo is nuts. Loved when he said that Crooked Hilart would only have 5% of the vote if she wasn't a woman.
Thank you for keeping the names right.
has to be dropping out, right?

What else could a now mathematically eliminated candidate be announcing?
Lyin Ted said the news would be heard around the world so I believe Lyin Ted.
Seriously, how do I un-enroll from a political party?
Trumo's foreign policy speech was pretty good.. Then again so was bush's jr during campaign yapping time

Carly has permo screw face
Do we even know what Lyin' Ted even supposedly lied about?

Lyin' Teddy lies about everything. Ask him what he had for breakfast, whatever he answers is a lie.

Looks like Lyin' Teddy has lied again. He said he was making a major announcement, but it was really just Carly Fiorna for VP pick? Lyin' Teddy, you are mathematically eliminated, you don't get to pick a VP, so this news ain't major. Unreal how this guy constantly lies.
No but is he really any worse than the rest?

I think I could handle any of the remaining candidates. I'm a Hillary guy, I would probably go kasich over been but that would be close. If TRUMO won Ithink it would be hilarious to see what happens. I thought Little Marco was a putz, but if he won I could handle it.

Cruz freaks me out. I cannot imagine who is out there supporting this guy.
I think I could handle any of the remaining candidates. I'm a Hillary guy, I would probably go kasich over been but that would be close. If TRUMO won Ithink it would be hilarious to see what happens. I thought Little Marco was a putz, but if he won I could handle it.

Cruz freaks me out. I cannot imagine who is out there supporting this guy.
I think I could handle any of the remaining candidates. I'm a Hillary guy, I would probably go kasich over been but that would be close. If TRUMO won Ithink it would be hilarious to see what happens. I thought Little Marco was a putz, but if he won I could handle it.

Cruz freaks me out. I cannot imagine who is out there supporting this guy.
Bernie would be pretty bad as well but yeah, Cruz is a bit scary.
Did people really think that Bernie was a serious candidate and not just a ploy to make Hillary seem more palatable for the general election? Will be harder for the GoPer to talk about socialism after Hillary beat a real socialist.
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He's not worse than Bernie.
Agree, both awful. Go read john Boehner quotes from his speech yesterday at stanford. A good insight into cruz, hrc and the Congress. Funny stuff as he sounds off.
Agree, both awful. Go read john Boehner quotes from his speech yesterday at stanford. A good insight into cruz, hrc and the Congress. Funny stuff as he sounds off.
Is that where he said Cruz was the devil and the worst person in DC?

Man Wertzie is gonna be pissed.