New 30 For 30: Orlando Magic


Post 'Til Your Fingers Bleed
Jul 24, 2001
Some of the details I wasn't aware of. Like Orlando low balling Shaq initially. Definitely worth a watch. The fact they would lowball him is beyond incomprehensible. And then to put a poll in the paper asking fans if he's worth 100M. Yeah. Yeah he was.
This series is scraping the bottom of the barrel for content now. Never thought the mid 90s Magic teams were that interesting. And Shaq leaving for LA was a pretty big Yawn even at the time. I remember hearing he was destined for LA ever since he was drafted.
The way Shaq tells it he asked the Magic to match the contract Mourning just got. They balked. Who knows if this is actually true but this is what he claims. Orlando balked and then an ad was put in the paper asking fans if he was worth 9 figures and 85% said no. For some ridiculous reason. I never understood why fans cared. It's not their money and the dude single handedly put the franchise on the map as a generational talent. Why would fans, who only go to the games because of him, say no? Redonkulous, Clark.
Did they ever do one on prep to pro NBA busts? Or the Shaq v Kobe feud? How about investigating whether Delonte West banged LeBron's mom? Feel like those would be more interesting.