'Nova Professor offers to take lashes for Blogger

Easy to make an offer like that when you know it will never be taken up. Budhi Jasser, however, is s superb scholar of Islam and has continually spoken out against radical Muslim ideology. I've read a lot of his writings and they are excellent and get right to the basis of jihadist philosophy and what a perversion of Islam it is.
Originally posted by tjc3844:
Easy to make an offer like that when you know it will never be taken up. Budhi Jasser, however, is s superb scholar of Islam and has continually spoken out against radical Muslim ideology. I've read a lot of his writings and they are excellent and get right to the basis of jihadist philosophy and what a perversion of Islam it is.
Maybe they'll take you up on it.
Actually, it was after reading a couple of your obnoxious intellectually diaherrea posts.