Where is that savings Obama promised??? Thanks Obama!!!
Not sure. You tell it what it was sold as. I seem to recall something about lowering the rate of uninsured Americans. Maybe that was a hallucination.Wasn't the ACA sold as a way to keep healthcare costs down?
I recall that it was sold as you remember it, but also as a way to keep healthcare costs down, and as a way to save the economy.Not sure. You tell it what it was sold as. I seem to recall something about lowering the rate of uninsured Americans. Maybe that was a hallucination.
Per Obama, consumers are supposed to complain to state insurance regulators (whoever that is) and then they will drive the costs down.Who was it supposed to keep healthcare costs down for? My memory is foggy.
umm....no. This was predicted by everyone who actually understood the law. And for the record, this bill was passed to save the economy remember. Don't let a crisis go to waste. I'm happy to re-post Obama's speech before the AMA where he tried to sell this to the docs as their patriotic duty to save the economy.Premiums go up because...
wait for it...
1) People are now actually getting the medical care they need.
2) Healthcare costs are rising.
You cannot repeal an entitlement. We're stuck with it and it's never going away. Just like all these other programs start as safety nets. The massive government expansion is here to stay. Worst law ever written for the middle class.Obamacare is a total cluster.
Even if the Republicans win the WH - I doubt they have the testicular fortitude to repeal it.
Just google it. Obama's ACA speech to the AMA.The is certainly room to optimize and improve the dynamics of the ACA. It's unsophisticated and clumsy to think of it in the binary terms of "repeal it or leave it untouched".
adp - please re-post the speech. I would love to revel in the poetry of one of America's greatest natural orators.
What exactly was predicted? Rates going up? No sh*t. Initial rates were based on a history of people who had no insurance or were under-insured. Of course they will be going to the doctor more once they get on a plan. And of course, their deferred health issues will be costly to address. In the long term the pricing will be more stable because you will have more people insured from day one and therefore lesser deferred health maintenance issues. Also - healthcare costs in general are going up.This was predicted by everyone who actually understood the law. .
No, this was before it passed. When he tricked everyone into voting for it and supporting it. BAck in 2011 right after he was elected and people still believed him when his mouth moved.
(wipes tear from my HOPEful eye)
Massive increases in premiums to be exact, people having to purchase things they didn't want (if you like your plan you can keep it.....until we cancel those plans by law) etc...all very predictable. Again, all of this stuff was known by pretty much everyone who was working on this law. Remember Jonathan Gruber talking about how people were stupid and they wouldn't understand the law? Well, here you go.What exactly was predicted? Rates going up? No sh*t. Initial rates were based on a history of people who had no insurance or were under-insured. Of course they will be going to the doctor more once they get on a plan. And of course, their deferred health issues will be costly to address. In the long term the pricing will be more stable because you will have more people insured from day one and therefore lesser deferred health maintenance issues. Also - healthcare costs in general are going up.
Yep, insurance companies are healthy, phrma is getting healthy, hope you all invested wisely. I did!Health care stocks & ETF's!! Thanks, Mr. President....and I mean it.
Massive increases in premiums to be exact, people having to purchase things they didn't want
For shame! Businesses that provide immediate tangible quality of life improvements to their customers. They lack the ethical strength of corporate choirboys in the energy, banking and auto industry.Yep, insurance companies are healthy, phrma is getting healthy, hope you all invested wisely. I did!
No, you have the private sector being funded by taxpayer dollars so they are basically free. to everyone but the taxpayer. However, that doesn't matter because uncle Sam just prints more money, the insurers cash the check and the cost to everyone goes up. However, you clearly don't understand how it all works or care to learn. You're just here playing your role. And hey as long as you're not the middle class sucker who isn't getting their subsidy life isn't too bad. You get some free healthcare from daddy Obama.So people so badly didn't want these plans that they utilized them so much that they need to raise prices to keep up with it? Hmmm.
As did I.Yep, insurance companies are healthy, phrma is getting healthy, hope you all invested wisely. I did!
The underling policy is paid for by US taxpayers through premium subsidies. Then, the people paying the premiums (you can keep your policy....but many couldn't and now you're in the exchange) see their policies the Administration forced them to purchase (remember, Obama told them their policies were substandard) go through the roof. Because now, they are in the pool along with all the folks getting the free care. So they are then subsidizing those folks again through higher premiums. That's usually the middle class guy. He gets $ucked twice. Which is why this bill is so bad for the middle class. There are many things in Obamacare I support. It was a Republican idea after all. However, it was too much and too soon and really screws the middle class. You can't undo it. However, you can better believe there will be lots of tweaks. Healthcare lobbyists and lawyers win. Thanks Obama.What is the taxpayer funding? The premiums that support their own medical costs? And there's some overhead associated with that and they should be outraged because of it?
The underling policy is paid for by US taxpayers through premium subsidies. Then, the people paying the premiums (you can keep your policy....but many couldn't and now you're in the exchange) see their policies the Administration forced them to purchase (remember, Obama told them their policies were substandard) go through the roof. Because now, they are in the pool along with all the folks getting the free care. So they are then subsidizing those folks again through higher premiums. That's usually the middle class guy. He gets $ucked twice. Which is why this bill is so bad for the middle class. There are many things in Obamacare I support. It was a Republican idea after all. However, it was too much and too soon and really screws the middle class. You can't undo it. However, you can better believe there will be lots of tweaks. Healthcare lobbyists and lawyers win. Thanks Obama.
We already do this with Medicaid. We didn't need Obamacare because we already gave poor people insurance. However, something as basic as this should be known by the average voter. Unfortunately, the electorate isn't very informed. However, they have their own lives to live. The entire thing was sold under a false premise.So is it correct to say that you agree with the premise, but not the execution? How should health insurance for low income families be subsidized? On the backs of "almost low income" families isn't the best way. I can't fathom the "tax the rich" outrage that would be inspired by other methods though.
So if medicaid already did this... And ACA broke something that worked? Who were all these uninsured people that Obama talks about?