Obamacare - Premiums to SOAR!!!

So if medicaid already did this... And ACA broke something that worked? Who were all these uninsured people that Obama talks about?
The question Obama changed was who is considered poor (how much we expanded Medicaid. Answer now up to 400% of poverty for a family of 4 or just below $90,000. Read that number and understand that number. Note, many of the poor tax sucking Southern States did not do this so DMIL can be happy they are saving the government loads of money as opposed to being a tax suck like the NE states. Essentially the opposite of what he argured in the confederate flag thread. However, Medicaid expansion is a discussion for chapter two). and then upset the private insurance market for millions of Americans who didn't need the help. That's the middle class guy who got screwed.
So if medicaid already did this... And ACA broke something that worked? Who were all these uninsured people that Obama talks about?
Well that's just it. The number of uninsured provided before the ACA was around 40 million (42 and change). You'll never get at least half those people for reasons that have nothing to do with anything politicians can solve. If Obamacare is lucky they will cover a quarter of those 40 million. Many of the people who end up getting cover in the exchanges already had insurance. That's the joke. Let's say the exchanges cover 10 million people. How many do you think had no coverage.Half, maybe a little less but it's a good portion. So take that 40 million number and start doing some math. How many new people actually got coverage? The percentage is less than a quarter. And to do so, you've impacted tenfold the number of people who already had coverage. Those are the middle class. The ever-shrinking middle class that keeps getting screwed. This is what liberals don't understand about the law. This bill was the single worst policy created for the middle class. That's why Democrats never talked about it during the campaign and why you see middle class hating Obama. For that and many other reasons. These people got screwed and no one speaks for them. They aren't the 1%ers who can absorb or bypass these costs or the 47ers.
I like your chain of reasoning so far adp. I need to learn more about these 30 million uninsurable people though.

Also, why is all the conservative conversation about repealing rather than modifying to not screw the middle class. Do they not want healthcare coverage for those 40 millions people or is it just unpopular for them to offer a plan how to do so?
I like your chain of reasoning so far adp. I need to learn more about these 30 million uninsurable people though.

Also, why is all the conservative conversation about repealing rather than modifying to not screw the middle class. Do they not want healthcare coverage for those 40 millions people or is it just unpopular for them to offer a plan how to do so?
Because you have many who don't support the law. You can't write any law to cover those 40 million uninsured so why screw it up for everyone else. You could just cover the 10 million you can get and leave everyone else alone. We didn't need Obamacare to cover those folks. Many are either those who could not get coverage. For them create some government backed high risk risk pool. Simply asking the question in that manner skews the debate. The first question is was this even needed? Many do not believe so why would they amend something they think is very bad, unneeded policy? That would be accepting the false premise Democrats created in selling the need to do this in the first place. We could argue who is right or wrong but that's why you didn't hear as much around reform. Now the Supreme Court has ruled, the sensible Republicans have begun talking about reforms. This thing isn't going away and most get that fact.
The first question is was this even needed?
According to ND the administration told us it was ONLY needed to get those 40 million insured.

In reality, they told us it was needed for that, and to keep healthcare costs down, and to save the economy. They also told us there was no time to deal with the problem and if it wasn't passed in late 2009/early 2010, then it never would happen.
Many are either those who could not get coverage. For them create some government backed high risk risk pool.

So for the most needy, high cost patients, they will be subsidized by the government. How will that be funded? How would your brethren sell this to others who might call it an entitlement or handout?

Some estimate the bottom 5% as 50% of the cost of healthcare.

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