Only in the CoDB/GCitW

Novacatt94 Legend
Gold Member
Aug 8, 2001
Woman goes to the ER complaining of shoulder pain.

Doc provides the following "treatment:"

"The Mount Sinai ER doctor accused of ejaculating on a patient’s face used propofol — the dangerous and potent sedative that killed Michael Jackson — to knock her out quickly, prosecutors revealed Thursday."

Is this considered standard protocol for treatment of an injured shoulder in the CoDB? Administer a powerful sedative to render the patient unconscious, then jerk off all over said patient's face?

YourBuddyRayhad may be able to weigh in here and shed some light on this as a practicing physician.
Except this sort of thing literally "happens everywhere." Doctors are some of the most messed up people.
I tend to think a story like this is too outrageous, until I saw that she saved a DNA sample.

Who would think they'd get away with that? People are so effed.
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His explanation was fantastic:

“I am embarrassed because I whacked off in the lounge, and it was possible that the ejaculate may have gone from my hands to the woman’s blanket,” he said. He continued with his bizarre explanation: “Semen may have also transferred from my hand to her face during the time I treated her.”
Except this sort of thing literally "happens everywhere." Doctors are some of the most messed up people.

I'm going to need to go ahead and officially challenge the first part of your statement.

This happens everywhere???

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I'm going to need to go ahead and officially challenge the first part of your statement.

This happens everywhere???

How many times a year is there a story about a doctor or dentist fondling/mishandling a female patient while they are unconscious? 10? And those are only the ones where there is some sort of video surveillance and/or the patient wasn't totally knocked out of some weird thing happens where they actually get caught. I guess JOing on their face is a new one, but I'm sure it's happened many times before.

This is pretty much as standard as hot teachers banging high school bois at this point.
That is an impressive list. I wasn't up on all of this.

And yes, I was referring specifically to the practice of sedating a patient then jerking off all over the patient's face. whereas you appear to be using a broader definition of "misconduct/inappropriate behavior."
Policy here is that we're not allowed in a room alone with a female patient who has to be in any state of undress

but it's ok for guys right?

so for you -

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At work, anything sexual is about the furthest thing from my mind. I mean, we see some gross stuff.