Pope Stream

Unwatchable. Between the slow speech and broken English, I have no idea how someone who's forced to be their live isn't asleep. Props to Biden and Boehner for having to look half interested the whole time.

Agree.....would have like to have heard the speech, but, the monotone and pronunciation made it difficult. Trying to gather the gist of the speech on CNN. I know he was pushing the immigration issue and believe he mentioned traditional marriage was still going to be the rule of the church, and he denounced abortion and the death penalty. Did like the opening about the "land of the free and the home of the brave.

And to answer someones question, I will be nowhere near the festivities in center city.
I thought this thread was about these.

I'd say the average age of the crowd where I was was around 28 believe it or not, median in the 20s somewhere -- seemed to be a lot of college student types. Was surprising. May be that old people at least in DC couldn't handle the walking that was involved. Would expect more old people in Philly relatively speaking.

probably cause he has no problem with gays

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