Pretty Swanky...

It's official. New format is not good. Feels like we went back in website time.
I think the new format is fine. So much for the idea that older people can't handle change. Some of you sound like school girls bitching about nonsense. Work at it a little bit and it's very easy to use and better than the old format. It could use a few tweaks which, I'm sure, will be worked into it.
Way too much action on each page. i'm here to talk about sports and/or CoDB/CoP shenanigans, not retweet, get awards for liking posts, get alerts every time someone posts something, etc. And it is hard to identify who the author of each post is.
I think the new format is fine. So much for the idea that older people can't handle change. Some of you sound like school girls bitching about nonsense. Work at it a little bit and it's very easy to use and better than the old format. It could use a few tweaks which, I'm sure, will be worked into it.
So just because you think it's fine everyone else has to like it?

STFU already.
Not sure if this is the result of the new format, but it seems like activity (At least with posts) has diminished over the past two days.

I'm still trying to get used to it. It doesn't seem like a huge deal.
I'm already used to it - i just dislike it. Way too much nonsense and do not find the viewing experience to be very user friendly. Enjoyed the clean lines and lack of clutter on the last one.
Curious. why didn't Eric warn us of the change? And why hasn't he posted since the change? Maybe, he has, but I haven't seen it.
Redesign fell into facebook trap of more is more. Nonsense like "liking" and following and being alerted when someone follows your post is stupid.
Redesign fell into facebook trap of more is more. Nonsense like "liking" and following and being alerted when someone follows your post is stupid.
That way the same small group can follow TJC and be alerted to make their same hack jokes everytime he posts. The next logical upgrade will be automated BW jokes.
Way too much action on each page. i'm here to talk about sports and/or CoDB/CoP shenanigans, not retweet, get awards for liking posts, get alerts every time someone posts something, etc. And it is hard to identify who the author of each post is.
Kenny, you can fix a lot of that by going to your account page>preferences.
Not as unnatural and sick as being in your 80's and being in denial about sharing several homes and vehicles with another man.
More lies/obsession from the obsessed freak whose only purpose on BW is to stalk a guy in his 70's. How sick is that!! You really need help boy!
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Apparently the banning feature is more harsh. You can't even read the boards under a banned name. Have to log out completely.
More lies/obsession from the obsessed freak whose only purpose on BW is to stalk a guy in his 70's. How sick is that!! You really need help boy!

And your purpose is to be the village idiot. Say hi to your plumber who can't read.
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