Public Schools

This is so typical of how stupid 4.6 can be. I made a simple true statement about a plumber who worked on my house who couldn't read. Now you have jumped to (with absolutely no proof) that I hired him knowing he couldn't read - WRONG! He was recommended by the guy who built the house's foundation. How did he get out of plumbing school? I have no idea but suspect since he was in his 60's and this was 18 years ago, there probably weren't the same kind of licensing requirements that exist now. He owned the business and had his wife and two sons working with him. I'm sure they filled in the holes you're trying to create. Lastly, and most absurd statement of all, is your question about incorporation. That is such a textbook kind of view of the world. Guess what, there are places (rural NC) that aren't like NYC, Jake. Some people actually work hard doing physical labor to become successful and don't need things like suits, Starbucks and corporations that they can talk about at their boring cocktail parties. Finally, I don't give a rats ass if you believe me or not. I know it's true and surely don't need some unknown smartass person who is nothing more than a screen name to me to verify it with comments caused by the narrowness/lack of experience in how the real world works for countless millions of people.
I just don't think someone could be successful at anything (plumber, electrician, dentist, lawyer, chef, nurse, physician, chauffeur etc) if the person who hired them had to tell them how to do the job for which they were hired.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
Originally posted by tjc3844:
Lastly, and most absurd statement of all, is your question about incorporation. That is such a textbook kind of view of the world. Guess what, there are places (rural NC) that aren't like NYC, Jake. Some people actually work hard doing physical labor to become successful and don't need things like suits, Starbucks and corporations that they can talk about at their boring cocktail parties.
Can anyone explain this? So if you don't work in NYC, you are exempt from having to file a document with the state in order to incorporate your business?

Or did this guy just work for cash and never actually have a business? Seems like that's the kind of guy tjc would like, since he's a big fan of sticking it to the tax man.
"I'm sure they filled in the holes you're trying to create."

How good of a plumber could he be if he's filling the holes instead of clearing them out???!
Posted from Rivals Mobile
If you had instructions on how to fix the problem, why didn't you just do it yourself? Did you feel the inescapable pang of charity like when you gave your company to your secretary?*

Was this your electrician?

lack of funding isn't what holds down public schools in poor neighborhoods. the biggest issues are children and parents who just don't care to try. the resources are there - it is an environment and social issue.
You're right, Rayhad. But, that's not what I said. I had bought a special mixer valve for the shower. I had to read a part of the assembly instructions because he had never seen one like it before and couldn't figure it out. He was a very good plumber and a very nice man besides. But, for Jake to bring up corporations and the rest of that crap all of which were assumptions on his part really pissed me off. It's my fault. I should know better than to post on 4.6 and is why I don't post here that often. But, no flamer hiding behind an anonymous handle is going to call me a liar. If anything, my problem is that I have been entirely too honest because I figured we were all VU alums. I still have trouble grappling with the concept that there are posters who get off trying to show how smart/cool they are by attacking others. I guess it's a generational thing.
Sorry Jake. My mistake. It was MWG who brought up corporations. I should not have reacted at all to the usual 4.6 bullshit. I had a very bad day and was in an ugly mood. Sorry.
"I had to read a part of the assembly instructions because he had never seen one like it before and couldn't figure it out."

Not knowing how to install something because you've never seen one like it before and not knowing how to read are two entirely different things.
Originally posted by vujoe62:
"I had to read a part of the assembly instructions because he had never seen one like it before and couldn't figure it out."

Not knowing how to install something because you've never seen one like it before and not knowing how to read are two entirely different things.
I am still laughing out loud. Thank you.
your such a lier, tom! I new how to reed the instruktions that day. why go makeing stufff up on on innernet again? Last time i instal a shower valv for you and bobby.

why dont you tell yourr budds here why that showir was clogged in 1st plase?

edit TJCsPlummer
This post was edited on 3/22 10:05 PM by TJCsPlummer
Originally posted by nardibynature123:

Originally posted by vujoe62:
"I had to read a part of the assembly instructions because he had never seen one like it before and couldn't figure it out."

Not knowing how to install something because you've never seen one like it before and not knowing how to read are two entirely different things.
I am still laughing out loud. Thank you.
It is funny, but it is a valid point.

First he couldn't read, then it turned into he didn't know how to install the valve because he never saw one like it before?
So are you saying that you hired a plumber, he came to install something that he had never seen before (not all that crazy) and that if you weren't there to read the instructions to him, he would have not been able to read them and would have not been able to complete the install?
Originally posted by YourBuddyRayhad:
Can we nake a movie about TJC's life?

It would combine Forrest Gump with Philadelphia with The Helen Keller Story with Stand and Deliver with 50/50 with Around the World in 80 Days with god knows what else, you name it
Great post Rayhad, had me rolling. This thread is off the charts.
Wrong. I lived in NC for a couple of years. Then I moved to Va Beach. From there I moved to SC. After that I moved back to NC. So, as usual, people post things about me as if they know what they're talk about and as if it's absolute fact. But, as usual, it's just made up and wrong.
Wrong again. I have never changed a story. I have corrected stories posted by others that were passed off as fact just like now when it was posted I've lived in NC for 18 years. Or, in your case, when you posted my cancer was fake even though you linked a web cancer support group of which I was a member.
Let's settle this once and for all.

Was the plumber unable to read, as you stated initially, or was he unfamiliar with the valve that he needed to install?

Don't you agree that those are two entirely different things?
I had a physican colleague of mine who was illiterate. He'd examine the patient himself but would dictate to the nurse what to write on the Rx pad. Damn good doctor though. Ran his own oncology practice.

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