Reverse Gentrification

There is a lapse in logic there, TJC. You are suggesting that Jimmy Carter was incompetent as a president, therefore, he is most qualified to judge the competency of our current president.

It seems to me the opposite would be true. If Carter knows what it takes to be a good president, why didn't he perform better?
Nothing. Like his source for everything he says.
The big problem/fear with the new forced integration plan is that it's another giant takeover of peoples' rights by the government. Greenville, NC has a policy of building brand new low income housing in middle to upper class neighborhoods. They opened a new one 2 years ago adjacent to a subdivision where I used to live where the entrance road is from the subdivision. I still cut through that subdivision to go to the cancer center. It's astonishing what it looks like now in my old subdivision. Lots of black guys walking around with their pants below their asses. Trash all over the yards. A new bus stop that has graffiti all over it. So, I checked. MLS statistics on recent sales. Property values have dropped 20% on average. Lots of houses are now for sale and a nice neighborhood is going down the tubes and residents are losing a lot of equity. So, while it sounds nice and may be idealistic, it is really hurting a lot of people. The bottom line is if you GIVE people something for NOTHING, they expect more. You can't make people middle class with upward mobility by giving it to them. Everything that's worth something in life NEEDS to be EARNED. It also creates a feeling of self-worth. And, before anybody asks so they can falsely accuse me of being a racist, I moved out because of anticipating what would happen to my old neighborhood.
A research collegue of mine has Asperger's. Really a brilliant scientist, but man, what a goofball. Perhaps that's why he is so gifted working with cells as opposed to people.
One of my friends from high school had Asperger's. When it came to chemistry and computers, he could teach himself to do anything, but he was painfully socially awkward.
I enjoy collaborating with him because I know his bench work is impeccable. However, to give you an idea of his social skills, at a conference, he walked into the lecture hall with me and proceeded to sit on an already seated woman's lap. It was a smidge awkward explaining why he did that.
Aspergers has to do with social interactions, not learning.
Not true. Obviously, it exists on a spectrum, but people with Asperger's generally have difficulty with abstract concepts. Also, if you ask a person with Asperger's without coping skills to write something without very specific guidelines and you'll wind up getting nothing or 10,000 words of rambling nonsense.

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