The first season was solid albeit a bit tedious and tried a bit to hard to win awards. Anything with McGonauhey in it is going to be overacted these days. I still enjoyed it as a whole but hoping they ramp up the jigawatts this season and make it less of a slow burn. Vaughn's career has taken a shit lately. Have you seen "The Dilemma" or that pile of shit Google movie that tried to piggyback off his chemistry with Owen Wilson in Wedding Crashers? He could use the pick me up. Farrell is a ginormous sack off screen but I do think he's a pretty good actor. And of course that sexy whewer Rachel McAdams is in it and maybe Speaker City boy is trying to get inside that like he didnt in Wedding Crashers when he dove into Borat's main slice instead. I hold solid hopes for this. Need another show to currently pair with Tyrant on FX, which is flying under the radar methinks.